Things to Say When Someone Calls You Fit

The scene unfolds: You’re at a casual get-together when someone walks up to you and says, “Wow, you look really fit!” It’s a compliment, ...

Things To Say When Someone Calls You Extra

So, someone called you “extra,” huh? Maybe you were just being your fabulous self, lighting up the room with your larger-than-life personality, and suddenly—bam—someone ...

Best Responses When Someone Says Something Inappropriate

Alright, let’s address the elephant in the room. What do you do when someone drops an inappropriate comment that makes you want to either ...

Best Replies to ‘You Will Never Change’

“Ugh, there it is again, the dreaded phrase: ‘You will never change.'” How often have you heard this line and felt your blood boil? ...

Best Responses to ‘You’re A Rockstar’

Alright, picture this: you’ve just finished a project at work, aced a presentation, or helped someone out of a jam. Then, out of nowhere, ...

Best Responses to ‘You’re Too Good to Be True’

So, imagine this: You’re on a date, a conversation is flowing smoothly, and then, boom! Out of nowhere, your date looks at you with ...

Things to Say When Someone Says They Look Up to You

Have you ever found yourself in that awkwardly heartwarming moment where someone says they look up to you? Maybe it’s a colleague, a younger ...

Correct Responses to ‘My Bad’

So, someone just hit you with the classic “My bad.” Maybe they spilled coffee on your new shirt, or perhaps they flaked on a ...

Best Responses to ‘You’re Too Young For Me’

Ah, the dreaded “You’re too young for me.” Six little words that feel like a bucket of ice water dumped over your head. It’s ...

Best Responses to ‘You’re A Real One’

Ever been complimented with the phrase, “You’re a real one,” and found yourself grasping for the perfect response? Whether it’s the first time or ...