
Understanding what people really mean. This section helps you figure out the true message behind what others say or write. Learn how to spot hidden meanings in everyday talks and messages. Get better at understanding people in real life and online.

What Does It Mean When a Guy Offers You a Sip of His Drink?

Picture this: you’re out on a date with a cute guy, and things are going pretty well.  You’re laughing at his jokes, he seems ...
Guy Calls You boo Or Bae

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Boo Or Bae?

Ugh, today’s dating lingo can be a MINEFIELD, am I right?! One minute you’re happily single and minding your own business…the next, some guy ...
You Look So Innocent

What Does a Guy Mean When He Says “You Look So Innocent?” 10 Possible Meanings!

“You look so innocent.” Yep, we’ve all heard a guy utter those four little words at some point. And we can’t help but think, ...
Girl Bends Down in Front of You

What Does It Mean if a Girl Bends Down in Front of You?

Ever had a girl inexplicably bend all the way down in front of you? Like she’s trying to pick up a quarter off the ...
He Want Me To Wear His Clothes

Why Does He Want Me To Wear His Clothes? Interesting Reasons!

let’s chat real quick. Has your man ever asked you to slip into his oversized hoodie or rock his basketball shorts? And you’re sitting ...
Girlfriend Is Always On Her Phone

My Girlfriend Is Always On Her Phone (10 Reasons Why)

Are you tired of feeling like your girlfriend’s phone is the third wheel in your relationship? I know, I know – it’s SUPER annoying ...

What Does It Mean When a Guy Feeds You With His Hands?: 11 Possible Meanings!

You’re out on a date with a guy you really like. Things are going great – the conversation is flowing, the chemistry is sizzling. ...
When a Man Tells a Woman She Smells Good:

When a Man Tells a Woman She Smells Good: Reading Between the Lines

As a woman, have you ever had a male friend, coworker, or stranger lean in and tell you that you smell nice? I’m sure ...

What Does YU Mean

Have you ever seen the letters YU used in a text or online and wondered what they meant? YU is a relatively new internet ...

What Does It Mean When A Guy Calls You Dangerous? Unraveling the Mystery

Have you ever found yourself wondering, “what does it mean when a guy calls you dangerous?” Well, you’re not alone! This phrase might leave ...