
Explore the myriad ways people react, respond, and engage in the art of living.

How to Respond to “You Have Beautiful Eyes”: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

You have beautiful eyes. How should you respond when someone compliments your eyes? A compliment about your eyes can make you feel flattered, but ...

How to Respond to “XOXO”: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

Getting an “XOXO” text can be exciting, but also nerve-wracking if you don’t know how to respond. Should you keep it light and flirty? ...

How to Respond to a Heart Emoji ❤️ Over Text: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

When you get a heart emoji over text, how should you respond? This is the question I asked myself recently after a guy I ...

How to Respond to ‘I’m Not Ready for a Relationship’: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

When someone tells you they aren’t ready for a relationship, it can be disappointing. You may have feelings for them or just be seeking ...

How to Respond When Your Girlfriend Is Sad Over Text: 30+ Flirty And Witty Responses

You send a text to your girlfriend asking how her day was, and she replies saying she’s sad or upset about something. What do ...

How to Respond When a Girl Says She’s Seeing Someone:30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

When a girl tells you she’s seeing someone, it can be disappointing. You may have had hopes for a potential relationship. However, don’t lose ...

How to Reply to “I Have a Crush on You”: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

I was just hanging out with my friends the other day when one of them suddenly confessed that they have a crush on me. ...

How to Respond to ‘Wassup’: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

Wassup? How’s it going? What are you up to? This simple greeting opens up lots of flirty, witty, and savage responses. I’ll never forget ...

You Made My Day: 30+ Flirty, WittyAnd Savage ways to Respond.

Having someone tell you “You made my day“ can make you feel appreciated. It’s a genuine compliment that brightens your mood. But how do ...

How to Respond to FWB Requests: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

When someone sends you a FWB request out of the blue, it can catch you off guard. Your first reaction might be “How do ...