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About Michele Stills (Author)


In 2010 I was trained and certified as a Life Coach by the Coach Training Alliance and began specializing in communication coaching. 

In 2012 I studied Coaching Emotional Intelligence through the the Coach Training Alliance.

In 2015  I took a course in Cognitive Behavioral Coaching though UDemy, adding to my communication skills toolbox.

In 2017 I became a New Life Story® Coach New Life Story® Coach with David Krueger, M.D., founder of MentorPath®. Dave blew my mind by introducing me to Neuro-coaching. His approach blends the insights of psychology, dynamic neuroscience, and the principles of strategic coaching to Mentor Coach clients’ change of belief, behavior, and performance. His mentorship changed my life!

In 2018 I had the opportunity to study Conversational Intelligence® for Coaches with Judith E. Glaser, author of Conversational Intelligence: How Great Leaders Build Trust and Get Extraordinary Results. This amazing program introduced me to the Neuroscience of Conversations® and once again, my life was changed.

In 2020 I went back to school to study Psychology at Walden University where I am currently in the Accelerate into Masters program, working toward an MS in Cognitive Psychology. 

I will partner with you and use my skills to strategically pinpoint where your conversations are going wrong. I will help you rewrite your story and achieve your communication goals, one conversation at a time.

Professional & Academic Organizations


 Professional Organizations

Academic Organizations

My Licenses, Training & Certifications