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16+ Best Responses to “Happy Good Friday”

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Michele Stills


Can you believe it’s Good Friday already? I don’t know about you, but I feel like this year is flying by.

As we prepare for Easter weekend, you may receive a “Happy Good Friday” message from friends or family.

How do you respond? What’s the perfect reply to such a greeting? Grab a hot cross bun and let’s discuss!

What’s the Best Response to “Happy Good Friday”?

The best response encompasses warmth, spirituality, and connection. Reply with a simple “Happy Good Friday to you too! Hope you have a peaceful, reflective day.” This conveys good will while recognizing the meaning behind this Christian holiday.

You can always add a bit more based on your relationship. The key is balancing brevity with care.

The 10 Best Replies to “Happy Good Friday” Wishes

#1 Wish Them a Blessed Day

“Wishing you blessings on this solemn day of reflection. Happy Good Friday!” This response is appropriate for close friends or family who you know celebrate Good Friday. It recognizes the spiritual meaning of the holiday by wishing blessings and noting the reflective nature of the day. You can always remove “solemn” if it feels too serious.

Other options:

  • May this beautiful Friday bring peace and harmony to you and yours.
  • Sending positive thoughts your way this Good Friday!

#2 Keep it Short and Sweet

“Happy Good Friday to you too!” When in doubt, this simple reply works for most acquaintances. It returns the Good Friday greeting without going overboard. The “too” at the end makes it more conversational.

Other options:

#3 Note Religious Significance

“Wishing you a peaceful and spiritually rewarding Good Friday.” This response demonstrates understanding of the religious holiday by wishing it to be peaceful and rewarding in a spiritual sense. It’s appropriate for religious friends or family members.

Other options:

  • May this Friday bring you closer to your faith.
  • Hope you find meaning in this solemn day.

#4 Express Appreciation

“Thanks so much, I appreciate the Good Friday wishes!” If someone goes out of their way to wish you a Happy Good Friday, start by thanking them. Expressing gratitude is always a nice way to begin a response. Follow it up by wishing them the same.

Other options:

  • So kind of you, Happy Good Friday to you too!
  • That means a lot to me, many blessings to you!

#5 Get Festive

“Have a hoppy good Friday! or “Wishing you egg-cellent day!” If responding to close friends, get clever by working Easter themes or egg puns into your response! This injects fun into well-wishing.

Other options:

#6 Quote Scripture

“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Romans 15:13) Quoting relevant scripture passages is appropriate and meaningful for religious acquaintances. This verse from Romans about joy, peace and hope ties nicely into the Good Friday holiday.

Other options:

  • “Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted.” (Isaiah 53:4)
  • “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

#7 Recognize Time Off

“Hope you enjoy having the day off today!” If responding to a colleague or work acquaintance, this recognizes that many get Good Friday as a public holiday. It’s a friendly way to be happy for their extra leisure time.

Other options:

  • Lucky you with the long weekend! Enjoy!
  • Hope you get some nice R&R today!

#8 Use Good Humor

“What a Good Friday it is! Almost the weekend :)” Inject some light humor by playing with the “good” aspect of Good Friday. Keep it light, you don’t want to offend. This is best for casual acquaintances or younger friends.

Other options:

  • Very good choice of Fridays if you ask me!
  • TGIF eve! Have an awesome one!

#9 Give Back

“I appreciate you thinking of me! Let me know if you need anything today.”
Turn Good Friday wishes into an opportunity give back. Offer to lend a hand if needed. This strengthens bonds with good friends.

Other options:

  • I’m just a phone call away if you need company or help today!
  • Thank you! Please reach out if there’s anything I can do.

#10 Simple Well Wishes

“Hope you have a peaceful and thoughtful Friday” You can never go wrong returning simple good tidings. Wish them peace and time for contemplation on this religious occasion. It’s neutral enough for most contacts.

Other options:

  • Wishing you tranquility and joy this Friday.
  • May this Friday bring you rest, harmony and perspective.

How to Reply to a Girl

Girls often appreciate chewing the fat more than guys. When a female friend or family member wishes you a Happy Good Friday, take it as a chance for meaningful connection.

Ask how she plans to spend the day or what reflections she has going into Easter weekend. Girls tend to be more spiritually attuned as well, so feel free to bring up religious significance or scripture. Quoting an apt Bible passage shows you too the care to understand her faith.

Gear your responses towards building rapport and sharing sentiments rather than quick quips. For example, “Good Friday blessings to you too sis! What reflections are you carrying with you this Easter season? I’d love to hear. ” This opens the door for a heartfelt discussion.

Here are some additional example responses tailored for the feminine perspective:

  • I appreciate you sister! May His abundant grace fill your Good Friday. Let’s chat this weekend if you want.
  • So kind of you to remember me today. I’m keeping you in my prayers as well — let me know how I can support your faith journey!
  • Happy soul-searching on this blessed Friday! Want to meet up for hot cross buns this weekend? Would love to hear your take on Easter’s meaning.

The key is to respond genuinely while encouraging further connection. Most females want to support their girlfriends while growing spiritually. Tap into that intention when crafting your reply.

How to Reply to a Guy

Let’s be honest, most guys aren’t sending “Happy Good Friday” wishes seeking heart-to-heart conversations. They simply want to express good intentions on a day of religious observance and leave it at that.

When responding to gentlemen, keep it direct. Thank them for the friendly Friday wishes and wish them the same. You can throw in a quip about Easter eggs or the long weekend if it fits their humor style. But don’t feel pressured into spiritual platitudes or overly personal responses.

Here are some Good Friday responses better suited for the masculine perspective:

  • Happy Good Friday dude! Can’t go wrong with a long weekend. Doing anything rad?
  • Back at ya man! Three day weekend woo hoo! Beers later?
  • Preciate the Friday wishes brosef! Gonna jam out to some praise & worship. You do you!

Notice these responses are short, casual and open the door for separate hangouts or activities vs. deeper connection. Most guys aren’t fishing for your innermost thoughts on a religious holiday. Keep it light and friendly without too much fuss.

The socially adept gent may take it as a bridge to make plans together, e.g. grabbing brews or playing ball later in the weekend. But don’t burden them with emotional processing or faith reflections they didn’t ask for. Give masculine energy back in your reply.

Key Takeaways

  • Thank them and wish a Happy Good Friday in return when responding to Good Friday greetings. Being gracious is key.
  • Gauge your response based on how close you are to the person and their religious leanings if known. Customize to fit.
  • Quoting a relevant Bible passage is great for devout friends who’d appreciate that effort.
  • Keep it fun and festive when responding to casual contacts or younger friends. Easter puns never fail!
  • Don’t feel pressure to manufacture a lengthy, overly personal response if it doesn’t come natural based on your relationship. A simple “Happy Good Friday to you too!” is always appropriate among acquaintances.

We covered a lot of ground exploring the art of answering “Happy Good Friday” wishes! From brief well wishes to reflective scripture quoting, tailor your response to the recipient. Minor holidays like these are a chance to meaningfully connect with those who enrich our lives, even if just to say…happy Friday!

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