23+ Best Replies to “I’m Glad You Feel That Way”

Michele Stills

Michele Stills


We’ve all been there. You express an opinion or make a statement and the other person responds with the incredibly frustrating “I’m glad you feel that way.” It can make you feel dismissed, unseen, and disrespected. What are some good comebacks when you get this kind of non-response?

What is the best reply when someone says “I’m glad you feel that way”?

The best reply is to directly call out the dismissiveness of their statement and reassert yourself and your perspective. For example, “I understand you may not agree with me, but my feelings are valid and I would appreciate if you didn’t dismiss them so flippantly.” Pointing out their passive-aggressiveness directly often works better than matching it.

10 Best Comeback Responses

#1 “Whether you’re glad or not doesn’t change how I feel.”

This response calls out the meaningless platitude while firmly standing your ground. It challenges the silly notion that their feelings about your feelings matter at all. It’s a simple but effective rebuttal.

Other good variations are:

  • “I couldn’t care less if you’re glad or not, that doesn’t impact me.”
  • “Thanks for sharing how you feel about my feelings I guess?”
  • “Your feelings about my feelings are irrelevant to me.”

#2 “That passive-aggressive response isn’t very becoming.”

Pointing out the passive-aggressiveness forces them to own their dismissiveness. It also positions you as the mature one calling out their immaturity.

Other good variations are:

  • “I see we’ve moved into the passive-aggressive stage of this conversation.”
  • “If you have a point to make, just say it directly instead of this dismissive nonsense.”
  • “Let’s keep this a respectful discussion without the need for passive-aggressive responses.”

#3 “I’d appreciate if you didn’t diminish my perspective.”

This comeback focuses more on asking for respect rather than attacking their response. It’s non-confrontational while still asserting yourself.

Other good variations are:

  • “Please don’t minimize my feelings just because you disagree.”
  • “I understand you see things differently but that doesn’t make my feelings any less valid.
  • “Feel free to share your opposing view but don’t act like mine doesn’t matter.”

#4 “Wow, what a useless cliché response.”

Sometimes you have to fight fire with fire. Matching their passive-aggressiveness with straight aggressiveness can shock them into realizing how obnoxious their initial reply was.

Other good variations are:

  • “Thanks Captain Obvious, such an insightful contribution.”
  • “If all you have to offer is meaningless platitudes, I’ll pass.”
  • “I could have done without that useless Hallmark card response.”

#5 “I don’t need you to validate my feelings to know they’re legitimate.”

This reminds them that you don’t require their stamp of approval. Your emotions stand independent of their opinion or perspective.

Other good variations are:

  • “My feelings don’t hinge on whether you agree with them or not.”
  • “I’ll feel how I feel regardless of if you’re glad about it.”
  • “Thanks but I’m not looking for you to validate how I feel.”

#6 “Interesting deflection to avoid the actual discussion.”

Sometimes it’s best to just directly highlight the dysfunctional communication pattern. Labeling something often diffuses it.

Other good variations are:

  • “I see you’re deflecting rather than addressing what I said.”
  • “Nice subject change to help you avoid engaging.”
  • “Solid effort to redirect things away from my point.”

#7 “Let’s stay focused on the real conversation.”

Similarly, recentering the original discussion is better than indulging the distraction of their flaky response.

Other good variations are:

  • “I’d like get back to the substantive discussion if you don’t mind.”
  • “Feel free to rejoin the actual dialogue whenever you’re ready.”
  • “I’ll be here continuing the real conversation when you’re done with your meaningless response.”

#8 “Ouch, right in the feelings!”

Sarcasm can be useful to point out the absurdity and audacity of their thoughtless remark. Exaggerating the effect helps highlight its dysfunction.

Other good variations are:

  • “Wow, way to completely disregard my perspective.”
  • “Super considerate way to dismiss my views, thanks.”
  • “Preciate you taking my feelings seriously.”

#9 “Unless you have something constructive to add, let’s move on.”

Don’t be afraid to enforce healthy boundaries if things escalate. Make clear what you will and won’t accept in the discussion.

Other good variations are:

  • “If you can’t respond appropriately, this conversation won’t be continuing.”
  • “I don’t have time for more meaningless comments.”
  • “Let me know when you have an actual response and we can pick this back up.”

#10 “And I’m frustrated you feel entitled to diminish my feelings.”

Matching the structure of their initial dismissal highlights the unhealthy dynamic—they shared feelings about your feelings so why can’t you do the same about theirs? It exposes the hypocrisy.

Other good variations are:

  • “I’m concerned you think it’s ok to invalidate how I feel.”
  • “It worries me you feel fine being so dismissive.”
  • “I’m saddened you don’t seem to respect my right to my own emotions.”

How to Reply to Her Saying “I’m Glad You Feel That Way”

When having a discussion with a woman, hearing “I’m glad you feel that way” can be especially grating and feel excessively condescending. Many of the above responses work well regardless of gender but for replying specifically to women, here are some additional considerations.

First, don’t match any passive-aggressiveness or sarcasm no matter how provoked you feel. That will likely only escalate things unproductively. Keep responses simple, direct, and focused on enforcing your boundaries. For example,

  • “Please don’t be dismissive of how I feel, I deserve to be heard even if you disagree.”
  • “Let’s keep this constructive and avoid diminishing each other’s perspectives.”

If she continues being passive-aggressive or acting superior about her feelings on your feelings, restating your boundary clearly and calmly tends to work better than indulging an argument.

Second, consider her motivations rather than just reacting. There may be past hurt or defensiveness triggering her reaction. Moving the discussion to better understand her could prove more worthwhile than battling over who’s right or feelings matter more.

Finally, use inclusive language reminding her you’re on the same team. That helps reframe the dynamic from adversarial to cooperative, allowing healthier dialogue. Responses like,

  • “I sense we both want to feel understood here but talking past each other won’t help.”
  • “How can we have a caring discussion where we both feel respected?”

can work wonders shifting the tone positively.

How to Reply to Him Saying “I’m Glad You Feel That Way”

When talking with a man who responds this way, the dismissiveness often carries an extra air of arrogant superiority that can be hard not to challenge. But getting sucked into a male ego battle rarely goes anywhere good!

The most effective responses with guys focus on simply restating your perspective firmly rather than attacking his. Short, direct statements like,

  • “Be that as it may, this is still how I see things.”
  • “Regardless, I stand by what I said.”

typically work better than longer passive-aggressive counters. They make clear no explanation needed—you feel how you feel.

If he continues belittling your emotions or perspective, enforce your boundary plainly without escalating things. Calmly make clear what you will or won’t tolerate.

  • “I’m happy to discuss our differing views but won’t participate if you keep invalidating mine.”
  • “If you can’t respond appropriately, I’ll need end this conversation.”

Drawing that line respectfully but unapologetically requires them to recalibrate to continue interacting with you.

Key Takeaways

Don’t Indulge the Passive-Aggressiveness

Matching dismissiveness or sarcasm typically escalates things unproductively. Keep responses constructive by focusing on enforcing boundaries.

Directly Challenge the Superiority Complex

Whether intentional or not, the statement implies their feelings about your feelings matter more. Refute that hypocrisy to regain discursive equality.

Remind Them Your Emotions are Non-Negotiable

Your perspectives stand independent of their validation or agreement. Firmly reassert yourself without needing their endorsement. You feel how you feel.

In Conclusion…

Hearing “I’m glad you feel that way” is one of the most annoyingly dismissive responses. It implies your emotions require their approval and aims to redirect rather than engage. It’s completely fair to find it disrespectful and frustrating.

But the key is responding intentionally, not reacting blindly. Craft a comeback focused on enforcing healthy boundaries, not attacking their character. Challenge their dismissiveness without getting sucked into escalating passive-aggressiveness. Aim for responses that both check their superiority and reassert your valid perspective.

With the right preparation, you can reclaim control of conversations when someone pulls this dismissive card. Feel free to utilize all the comebacks and variations provided above. Just remember that your emotions don’t require their validation. You feel how you feel!

Michele Stills
Michele Stills
I'm an evidence-based coach helping clients with their communication, leadership skills, anxiety, public speaking and interpersonal relationship skills.

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