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39+ Best Unique Ways To Say “Keep Me In Your Prayers”

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Michele Stills


I decided to write this article after a recent conversation with my friend Emma.

She was going through a difficult time in her life and asked if I could “keep her in my prayers.” I wanted to respond in a heartfelt way, but wasn’t sure what to say beyond the standard phrase.

That experience made me realize there must be numerous unique and meaningful ways to express the sentiment “keep me in your prayers.” I did some brainstorming and research, and was excited to uncover creative alternatives.

In this article, I share my top findings on the best unique ways to say “keep me in your prayers.” From funny to serious to casual options, there is something here for every situation and relationship.

What are 10 Alternative Ways to Say “Keep Me In Your Prayers”?

When someone asks you to keep them in your prayers, they are reaching out for support during a difficult season of life. Rather than simply saying “I will pray for you,” consider using one of these alternatives to show you care in a heartfelt way:

Alternative Ways to Say “Keep Me In Your Prayers”
I will lift you up in prayer
I’m here for you in prayer
You’re in my thoughts and prayers
I’ll be praying for you, my friend
I will keep you close in my quiet moments of prayer
Count on me to petition for blessings on your behalf
Know that I’m appealing to God for comfort, peace and resolution on your behalf
I purpose in my heart to intercede on your behalf
You can rely on my spiritual support through prayer
Trust that I will be taking your struggles to God in prayer

Funny Ways

Adding some lightness when responding to a request for prayer support can lift someone’s spirit. Here are 5 funny yet meaningful ways to say “I will be praying for you”:

Funny Ways to Say “I Will Pray For You”
Iā€™m putting in a solid prayer request for you with the big guy upstairs 😉
I’ll be bending God’s ear on your behalf — hope He doesn’t get tired of my voice!
You’ll be hearing the pitter patter of my prayers coming your way
I plan to nag, er, I mean kindly speak, to God about blessing you 😄
My prayer knees will be getting a workout on account of you!

Savage Ways

If the person requesting prayers has a bold sense of humor, try out one of these 5 edgy responses:

Savage Ways to Say “I Will Pray For You”
Iā€™m gonna hound and pester God about helping you out
My non-stop prayers are gonna barrage heaven so hard on your behalf
I wonā€™t shut up to the Almighty about your situation
Godā€™s got another thing coming if He doesnā€™t step in and bless you
I plan to verbally wrestle with the Lord until He moves on this

Flirty Ways

Injecting gentle romance into your response can be meaningful if it aligns with your relationship. Here are 5 playful, flirty ways to say you’ll be praying:

Flirty Ways to Say “I Will Pray For You”
Iā€™m blowing kisses heavenward for you, darling
The Almighty and I are going to have a serious heart-to-heart about blessing you, sweetheart 😘
God and I need to have a little chat about showering favors on you, dear
My prayers will be working overtime to charm blessings your way
Heartfelt petitions are coming your way, honey!

Caring Ways

For close family or friends, use language overflowing with comfort and compassion:

Caring Ways to Say “I Will Pray For You”
My loving prayers will blanket you during this season
I commit to uplifting your spirit through continual prayer
Know that my heart is with you, and my supplications on your behalf will be unceasing
Trust in my spiritual support to help ease your burdens
Rely on my intercession to God so you’ll be upheld and strengthened

Casual Ways

Keep it simple but meaningful with these casual expressions:

Casual Ways to Say “I Will Pray for You”
Count me in for praying for you
Iā€™ve got you covered in my regular prayer times
Yep, Iā€™ll throw some prayers your way
Consider it done, my friend
Prayer support ā€” coming your way!

5 Editor’s Choice Ways

I Commit Myself to Praying for Your Relief

Blanketing you in dedicated prayer during this season of hardship. My supplications to God will be continual on your behalf.

Leaning on the Almighty in Faith

Trusting God to intervene powerfully in your circumstances as I lean on Him in persistent, expectant prayer.

Summoning Spiritual Support

Committing to summon the forces of blessing, comfort and favor through ongoing, heartfelt prayer.

God’s Got You on My Prayer Radar

I’m locking you into my prayer radar and tracking the Almighty’s movement on your behalf, my friend!

Prayer Partnership

Let’s walk through this valley together in prayer, appealing minute-by-minute to the God who loves us both so the pressure will lift.

5 More Related Headings

Ways to Say It to Your Girlfriend

Unique Ways to Reassure Your Girlfriend You’ll Be Praying for Her
Honey, you shine so bright in my eyes. I plan to gently nudge God to bless you until that sparkle returns.
Sweetheart, I know storms can darken even the sunniest soul for a time. My prayers for relief will keep raining down on your behalf.
Oh darling, sorry to see clouds blocking your inner sunshine today. My nonstop prayers are gonna pester those clouds away!
I see sadness weighing on your heart babe…and Iā€™ve appointed myself as your official blessing summoner! Yep, I’ll be praying up a storm.
Hard days happen sometimes dear, but you never walk alone with me as your prayer warrior. Iā€™ve got a direct line to heaven just for you! 😉

Ways to Say It to Your Boss

Professional Ways to Tell Your Boss “I Will Pray for You”
I’m so sorry to hear of your current difficulties. Please know I plan to actively uplift your burden in prayer.
My heart goes out to you as you navigate these challenges. I hope some comfort comes in knowing you have my spiritual support through continual prayer.
I wish the best for you and your family during this rocky stretch. I commit to seeking divine blessings, guidance and relief on your behalf.
What a distressing issue to handle on top of running a company! Know that my caring thoughts extend to prayer support as you work through this.
Navigating stormy waters tests us all sometimes. I sincerely hope peaceful resolution comes soon, and will be petitioning earnestly for that outcome.

Ways to Say It to Your Mom

Caring Ways to Tell Your Mom “I’m Praying for You”
Oh Mom, my heart hurts to see you struggling. Please know Iā€™m storming heaven constantly requesting blessings for you.
Days feel darker when your inner light dims, Mama. But my prayers will just get louder until God relights your soul!
Hard times fall on us all sometimes dear one. Let your burdens transfer to my shoulders through prayer while you rest.
I wish I could instantly lift this away for you! But I commit wholeheartedly to appealing faithfully to God for relief and strength until the storm passes.
Youā€™ve walked with me through so much. Now let my prayers help carry you until the skies clear, sweet Mom. Just lean hard and let me love you through this valley.

Ways to Say It to Your Dad

Caring Ways to Tell Your Dad “I Will Be Praying for You”
Seeing you struggle leaves me feeling helpless too, Dad. Please know Iā€™m hustling hope, blessings and support your way through constant prayer.
My steadfast petitions are working to convince the powers above that you deserve favor. I won’t let up till the tides turn!
Let me lift some weight off your shoulders, Pops. My prayers are gonna storm heaven’s gates insisting on better days ahead for you.
Lean on me during the rocky patches if you need to. Iā€™ve got a first-class line to heavenā€™s help desk just for you!
You taught me how to stand tall when storms strike, Dad. Now let your lessons uplift us both while I pray relentlessly for brighter days.

Ways to Say It to Your Brother

Caring Ways to Tell Your Brother “I Will Keep You in Prayer”
Days may be darker lately bro, but know your little sisterā€™s got your back! I plan to pester the Almighty continually that blessings start flowing your way.
Donā€™t shut me out just because youā€™re struggling, big guy. My prayers are gonna keep raining down on your behalf whether you ask or not!
Hey bro, sorry thereā€™s trouble ahead. But I promise to keep appealing tirelessly heavenward until God relieves the pressure. Game on! 😉
Let your worries rest for a bit. Iā€™ll hound the Lord day and night insisting relief gets sent your way…thatā€™s what sisters are for!
Arguments aside, whatā€™s family for if not carrying burdens? Let my prayers help lighten your load till the storm passes, bro.


Being told “keep me in your prayers” when someone is struggling represents a profound request for spiritual support. I hope these unique, funny and heartfelt alternatives inspire you to uplift others more creatively.

Remember that compassion should underscore even casual responses to prayer requests. Adjust your language based on the closeness of relationship, but always reply in a spirit of caring.

If specific ways to respond feel awkward, simply say “My prayers are with you during this hard time.” The sincerity and follow-through matter most.

Now Iā€™d love to hear from you! Which phrase resonated most? Did a particular option make you laugh or cry? Are there other creative responses youā€™ve used or received when asked to pray for someone? Let me know in the comments!

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