How to Respond to Pick-up Lines: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

Michele Stills


We all love a clever pick-up line, but not every line lands or elicits the desired response.

I once had a guy approach me with a line so cringeworthy, I had to walk away! After my friends and I finished laughing, we wondered: what’s the best way to respond?

Below I’ve listed 30 of my favorite flirty, witty and savage responses to even the cheesiest pick-up lines. Read on for examples, ideas and tips!

30 Flirty, Witty and Savage Responses to Pick-up Lines

I once read that a good response turns an awkward moment into a memorable one. With that in mind, let’s make this encounter one for the books!

If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that line, I could take us both out for a nice seafood dinner. And I love seafood!

Not sure if that was a pick up line or a magic trick, but either way – I’m intrigued.

Wow, that took some guts! I’m impressed. Can I buy you a drink for the effort?

blushes Oh my… no one’s ever said THAT to me before!

That line might actually work… if I was looking for a cheesy Hallmark movie plot.

Corny, but cute! My turn – can I have directions? Where to? Your heart.

Did you Google “pick-up lines” before you came over here or are you always this smooth?

Ooooh, that gave me goosebumps! But maybe it’s just these cold drinks. Want one?

I think you’re lost. The cheese section is over there. points across the room

Nice try, but I left my pair of beer goggles at home tonight.

Wow, I bet you say that to all the ladies hovering by the pretzels.

Run that by me again – after you buy me a drink.

Corny pickup lines call for corny responses… bats eyelashes Gee wilikers!

Points for boldness, my friend. Can I offer you some pointers too?

Yikes. I think that line just peaked in middle school.

Pretends to check watch Wow, that took you a whole 2 minutes! Is that your best time?

Oooh do I get a prize for being the 20th girl you tried that line on tonight?

Laughs out loud I give you an A for effort and a C for execution.

You are just too much! But really… you’re too much.

peers around the room Is Ashton Kutcher going to jump out with a camera crew now?

Wow, I didn’t know they made pick-up lines that bad anymore. That’s almost impressive!

in robotic voice “Pick-up line not recognized. Please try again.”

Yikes. You kiss your mother with that mouth? shakes head disapprovingly with a wink

Also Read: How to Respond to ‘Oh Really’: 30+ Witty And Savage Responses

Funny Responses

We all enjoy a good laugh. If you can take a cheesy pick up line and turn it into something humorous, you score extra points.

  • I don’t know whether to blush or laugh… so I guess I’ll do both! blushes while laughing
  • A line that bad calls for a drink just as strong. Bartender, two shots please!
  • I think I felt the earth move just now… oh wait, it was just my eyes rolling at that line!
  • Wow, that was the most creative way I’ve been asked for the time/my name/etc. yet!
  • pretends to look around Wait, where are the cameras? Is this a prank?
  • That was so bad it was kinda cute! But maybe I just have low standards. shrugs
  • Yikes – that was painful! Quick, someone call the pun police on this guy!
  • If that line was a test, you’d be getting an F for “Try Again” right about now.
  • Ouch, that line hurt me almost as much as it probably hurt you. Yikes.
  • You know most pickup lines work better if you actually introduce yourself FIRST right? Just a tip.

Also Read: How to Respond to ‘I Want You to Be Mine’: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

Cheeky Responses

Getting a little cheeky or even slightly rude with your response can catch someone totally off guard. Use humor to soften the sass.

  • Wow, you must have a PhD in cheesy pickup lines. Impressive work, doc!
  • Do lines like that actually ever work for you outside of bad romantic comedies? Asking for a friend.
  • If I had a dollar for every lame pickup line thrown my way, I could retire by 30. Easy.
  • A for effort, but I think you severely overestimate those lines, my friend.
  • I’m flattered you broke out the good stuff for little ol’ me! bats eyelashes
  • You’re kinda cute, but keep those lines to yourself next time, okay hun? pats shoulder
  • Bless your heart for trying so hard. Gold star for the confidence at least?
  • Wow, thanks for reminding me why I don’t go to bars more often! Sheesh.
  • Oooh buddy… who hurt you enough that you thought THAT would work? puts hand over heart
  • That sounds like something you’d read on a Popsicle stick. And I don’t like Popsicle sticks.

Savage Responses

Feeling savage? These biting comebacks should shut down even the cheesiest pick up lines.

  • Did you practice that in the mirror this morning or just improvise on the spot? Either way… eesh.
  • Hey, at least you’re keeping me entertained while I wait for my friend. So there’s that?
  • If I had a dollar for every failed pickup attempt I’ve witnessed I could buy myself a cute sugar baby.
  • Bless your heart for trying I guess? pats shoulder gently while cringing Oof…
  • Wow, hearing that makes me want to apologize to all womankind on your behalf. Yikes dude.
  • That sounds like something you read in a “How To Lose Friends and Alienate People” handbook. Hard pass.
  • You must have very low dating standards if those lines actually yield results for you. Yowza.
  • Something tells me I’m not the first girl you used that line on. Or the last. Or anywhere close to the best.
  • Oooh no no no… that line should be retired immediately, along with that ugly shirt.
  • Tell me you’ve never actually talked to a woman before without TELLING me you’ve never talked to a woman before…

Also Read: How to Respond to ‘You Wish’: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

10 Best Editor Choice Responses

“Not sure if that was a pick up line or a magic trick, but either way – I’m intrigued.”

Where to use: Great for playfully calling out an unusually odd or quirky line. Leaves room for further conversation.

Where NOT to use: Avoid using with something overtly offensive or inappropriate.

“I don’t know whether to blush or laugh… so I guess I’ll do both!” blushes while laughing

Where to use: A fun, disarming response if you want to gently poke fun at an attempt at being charming or cute.

Where NOT to use: May come across overly cutesy with more risqué lines. Tread carefully.

“If I had a nickel for every time I’ve heard that line, I could take us both out for a nice seafood dinner. And I love seafood!”

Where to use: Great response to a common overplayed line. Lets them know you’ve heard it before while offering a playful positive spin.

Where NOT to use: Don’t pair a nice invitation like dinner with a truly awful line. Reward creativity instead when you can.

peers around the room Wait, where are the cameras? Is this a prank?”

Where to use: Hilarious response made for especially bad or bizarre attempts. Make them wonder if it was all a joke.

Where NOT to use: Be cautious using with sincere attempts at connecting. Could inadvertently humiliate someone.

“I think I felt the earth move just now… oh wait, it was just my eyes rolling at that line!”

Where to use: Snarky reply designed for eye-roll worthy lines. Invites laughter.

Where NOT to use: If said in a harsh tone, may hurt feelings or come off overly rude. Use judiciously.

“Wow, thanks for reminding me why I don’t go to bars more often! Sheesh.”

Where to use: Great response if you want to subtly call out tactless bar behavior.

Where NOT to use: Avoid pairing with less offensive lines. Could promote unnecessary hostility.

Laughs out loud I give you an A for effort and a C for execution.”

Where to use: Softens the blow of a lame line by genuinely complimenting their boldness first.

Where NOT to use: Be very careful using with sincerely kind attempts. Could be unintentionally hurtful.

“Something tells me I’m not the first girl you used that line on. Or the last. Or anywhere close to the best.”

Where to use: Wry observation made for typical player behavior. Makes them reconsider their approach.

Where NOT to use: Unless obviously a serial line tester, this could be overly and incorrectly judgmental.

“Did you practice that in the mirror this morning or just improvise on the spot? Either way… eesh.”

Where to use: Hilarious response to rehearsed sounding lines. Invites further banter.

Where NOT to use: Use cautiously if line took true courage or vulnerability to deliver.

“You must have very low dating standards if those lines actually yield results for you. Yowza.”

Where to use: Bold critique tailor-made for overtly corny lines from confident suitors.

Where NOT to use: This blunt reply risks hurting feelings and humiliating well-intentioned approaches. Employ carefully.

How to Respond to Pickup Lines from a Guy

Guys often pull out big, cheesy pickup lines thinking it shows confidence. How you respond says a lot.

  • Gently poke fun at overly-confident lines, but reward genuineness and effort when warranted.
  • If offended or uncomfortable, don’t feel pressured to respond positively. Prioritize safety first.
  • Playfulness and humor can take the edge off an awkward line and open the door to conversation.

How to Respond to Pickup Lines from a Girl

Girls flexing funny lines show wit and boldness. Encourage that confidence!

  • Laughing off a bad line good-naturedly is empowering for the deliverer and listener alike.
  • Clever responses reveal mutually quick thinking. Build on that mental sparring.
  • Remember power dynamics still apply. A polite redirect reinforces respect.

When to Walk Away

Though often well-intentioned, some pickup line attempts miss the mark completely. Knowing when to disengage is key.

Walk away when lines:

  • Objectify or demean you or anyone else
  • Cross established consent boundaries – yours or others
  • Make you feel pressured, unsafe or uncomfortable
  • Display clear hostility or aggression

When to Lean In

While cheesy lines abound, sometimes an attempt deserves a second look.

Consider engaging if lines:

  • Show wit, humor and playfulness you appreciate
  • Indicate effort and kindness
  • Respect boundaries and consent
  • Lead to open, friendly dialogue


The best pickup line responses uplift both parties involved. They allow space for colorful conversation around mutual interests and humor. Yet they also assert and celebrate the confidence, safety and inherent worth of all.

Aim for responses that walk this fine, fun and empowering line.

Michele Stills
I'm an evidence-based coach helping clients with their communication, leadership skills, anxiety, public speaking and interpersonal relationship skills.

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