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Best Funny RSVP Responses

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Michele Stills


What’s the best part about receiving a wedding invitation or party announcement in the mail? Crafting a clever response, of course! We’ll explore the funniest RSVP ideas so your note stands out while making the hosts laugh.

RSVPs don’t need to be boring “yes” or “no” responses. Liven up the invite process by getting creative with your replies. Read on for ways to respond that spread joy and giggles.

What are some good funny RSVP responses?

Good funny RSVP responses playfully confirm attendance with lighthearted humor.

For example, “Count me plus 1 in before the appetizers disappear!” or “I must know if lions will truly be in attendance?” make organizers smile. The key is keeping things upbeat, not insulting.

GREAT responses also reference details from the invitation itself to show recipients you read it fully.

10 Best Humorous RSVP Responses

1. Thanks for Inviting My Imaginary Guest!

Hilarious for destination weddings or lavish events you feel “too good to be true” for. Poke fun at any unbelievable aspects teased on the invite, like over-the-top decor, celebrities, or exotic animals making appearances!

Wouldn’t miss this magical event with my invisible +1! We can’t wait to witness doves being released and royalty making speeches in person.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “I must know if a real prince/princess/mermaid will be there before promising my presence!”
  • “Crossing my fingers I’ll have a fairy godmother to bibbidi-bobbidi-boo me into a gown in time!”

2. Do I Really Need to Bring This Item?!

Great for potlucks, showers, costume parties, or any soiree listing what guests should contribute. Call out the silliest suggestion in a wink-wink way attendees will get a kick from.

“Cathy and Dan’s Bon Voyage Bash asks us to bring a kleverage spife and our best jungle impression? I wouldn’t miss this party for the world! See you all Saturday in my faux leopard print, armed with…whatever that is.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “Is anyone else stumped figuring out what exactly a unicorn pillow is?!”
  • “I don’t own a fireman’s helmet but will gladly draw one on a baseball cap. Can’t wait for Sam’s summer cookout!”

3. Confirming My Spot Before This Books Up!

Smart for destination weddings at popular resorts or tickets to hot shows. Poke fun at how coveted you know the event will be by “booking early.”

“Get ready Paradise Island Resort – I’m confirming my spot under the sun before this exclusive guest list books up!”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “Saving my seat before Beyonce buys up the whole theater!”
  • “I must see this unbelievable 18 course dinner with my own eyes before tables sell out!”

4. I’m Just Here for the Open Bar/Food!

Perfect for weddings or swanky cocktail parties promising booze and apps. Show the hosts what really matters by cheekily admitting you’re attending for the free drinks and eats.

“You had me at premium open bar! Count me in for Deb and Christian’s big day – though fair warning I make no promises on the dance floor once the champagne is flowing!”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “Consider this an RSVP for me +1 (though my plus one is whoever wants to split the most desserts!)”
  • “I cleared my schedule and bought heels the second I read ‘endless sushi and craft cocktails.’ See you then!”

5. My Costume is Already Planned!

Smart for themed parties or events suggesting outfits. Show your enthusiasm by sharing your over-the-top look being prepped.

“I’m relaying my RSVP while hand-glittering my unicorn onesie as we speak! Tell Samantha I wouldn’t miss her neon circus rave for anything.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “Consider me confirmed in the most lavish Great Gatsby getup this side of the East Egg!”
  • “I’m ready to play ball in sequined baseball caps and face paint at Jenny’s sports bonanza!”

6. I’m So Insert Emotion I’m Practically Already There!

Great for destination or highly-anticipated weddings. Share how thrilled, overjoyed, excited, etc. you are by the event.

“Reading Lucy and Brandon are tying the knot in Greece made me leap for joy – literally, my downstairs neighbors already lodged noise complaints! I’m checking flights while mailing this acceptance to ensure my spot witnessing amour on the Aegean Sea.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “Consider this RVSP my squeal of delight – I’m already dancing at the thought of your Parisian wedding!”
  • “I gasped reading your invite from a hot air balloon. Count me in observering your daring vows from new heights!”

7. I Wouldn’t Miss This Wild Event for Anything!

Perfect for parties with interactive entertainment promised. Reference the eye-catching attraction described to convey your enthusiasm.

“You had me at baby sloths attending! I’m absolutely coming to Cara’s jungle bon voyage bash – no force on Earth could stop me from cuddling those fuzzy guys.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “A marching band AND ice luges? I cleared my calendar the instant I got this invite!”
  • “Confirming I’ll be front row when legit fire breathers take the stage!”

8. Consider This My RSVP…and Future Thank You Note!

Smart for lavish weddings or parties you expect will be exceptional. Convey confidence the event will blow you away by “thanking” hosts prematurely!

“Count this as my gleeful RSVP and future letter raving about how breathtaking Lucy and Brandon’s Greek Island affair was! I’m already drafting mental thank you notes on my flight overseas.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “Consider this my RSVP and vow to boast about Carina’s Parisian reception for decades on end.”
  • “This is me confirming my awe in advance for the Greatest Gatsby bash of the century!”

9. I May Have Practiced My Dance Moves Already!

Fun for weddings, dances, or parties boasting live entertainment. Show your eager spirit by pretending you’re already celebrating.

“Consider this proof I’ve been practicing my electric slide in anticipation for the epic throwdown at Sam’s neon circus rave! I can’t wait to show off moves under flashing disco lights with glowstick accessories fully charged.”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “You should see my attempted merengue steps around the house – have shoes, will travel to Katie’s Latin fever!”
  • “I’m still icing sprained ankles from attempting jumps to prep for theatrics at Les and Tim’s showtune soirée.”

10. Consider This My Legal Pledge to Attend!

Smart for outrageous concepts or faraway places unlikely to draw no-shows. Show hosts how serious you take the invite by fake “legally” guaranteeing your presence!

“Let it be known across the land that I, Jessica Mae, am legally bound to attend Prince William and Duchess Kate’s Royal Ibiza Yacht Vow Renewal due to signing this RSVP in blood…very fake blood from a costume store, but binding nonetheless!”

Other Playful Variations:

  • “I hereby declare under pretend legal oath my attendance at Lucy and Brandon’s Greek nuptials, punishable only by becoming a social pariah for life if I flake!”
  • “By the sheer power of this RVSP, rain or shine I am magically transported to ooh and ahh at Sara’s Harry Potter themed reception!”

How to Reply to Girls

Girls often appreciate humor and wit. Respond with light jokes showing you relate to event details when possible. Comments on food, drinks, entertainment promised or costumes suggested give fun material for playful banter confirming your attendance.

“Dearest hosts, consider this confirmation I’ll be first in line to pet baby sloths while enjoying jungle juice cocktails at Cara’s bon voyage bash!”

Flattery for the hosts also never hurts. Women planning celebrations have likely stressed over each aspect. Compliment their vision, theme, or location selected to start your response off positively.

“Naomi and Ian have clearly been scheming the greatest Gatsby soirée imaginable to ring in their new adventure out West in style. Count me delighted to witness such lavish celebration of love and possibility!”

No matter who your respond to, keep things upbeat. Inside jokes have the danger of going over heads if organizers don’t get them. Avoid sarcasm as well – playful humor has the best chance to land smiles from everyone.

How to Reply to Guys

Men organizing events also appreciate wit, but may prefer responses aligned with event themes. If invited to a sports watch party, poker tournament, or grilling bonanza, include banter reflecting that.

“Brian’s Baseball Bonanza has me practicing changeups to contribute on the diamond between hotdog eating contests!”

Similarly, guys could enjoy subtle competition or challenges in reply wording. Bet you have better costume ideas or dance moves than others expected to attend.

“Dean throwing an 80’s dance rager? My popped neon collar and smooth running man will clearly outshine any other guests’ terrible rhythm!”

Just like with female hosts, keep things light rather than outright insulting. Gentle ribbing amongst friends builds camaraderie – outright attacks do not.

Key Takeaways for Clever RSVPs

1. Reference Details From the Invitation Itself

Show hosts you read fully by quoting unusual instructions, suggestions, or promises unique to that event. This proves you took their invite sincerely even while responding playfully!

2. Stay Upbeat

Humor has the potential to offend if taken wrong. Keep responses cheery rather than sarcastic to avoid hurt feelings from hosts or other attendees.

3. Have Fun With It!

Not every event or organizer prefers silly replies. Gauge your audience appropriately. But for most informal weddings, showers and parties? Go creative and make both hosts and guests laugh out loud!

In Conclusion…

RSVPing to special events should spread joy, not dread! While hosts request prompt responses, have fun with your acceptances whenever possible.

Get creative to continue the merry mood set by that invitation in your mailbox. Show attendees you’re already looking forward to event highlights like signature cocktails, costumes, wild entertainment promised, and more!

So put thought into responses almost as much as hosts put into their party planning. Your unique RSVPs will guarantee you a smiling seat at celebrations for years on end once friends know how clever and reliable you are!

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