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Best Responses to Lowball Offer On Craigslist : 29+ Counter Replies

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Michele Stills


Today, I want to share my insights on how to handle lowball offers on Craigslist. As someone who has both bought and sold items on the platform, I know firsthand how frustrating it can be when someone undervalues your goods. So, let’s dive into the best responses to ensure you get the price you deserve!

When you receive a lowball offer on Craigslist, the first thing to do is stay calm and collected. Remember, the person on the other end of the message might not realize the true value of your item or could simply be testing the waters to see if you’re willing to negotiate. Take a deep breath and consider your response carefully.

Next, it’s essential to know your item’s worth. Before listing anything on Craigslist, research the going rate for similar items in your area. This will give you a solid foundation to stand on when countering lowball offers. If you’ve priced your item fairly, don’t be afraid to stand your ground and politely explain why you believe it’s worth the asking price.

Counter with a Reasonable Price

“Thanks for your offer, but I’m looking for something closer to [your asking price]. Let me know if you’re willing to meet me at [slightly lower price].”

When you receive a lowball offer, it’s important to counter with a reasonable price that still aligns with your item’s value. By proposing a slightly lower price than your original asking price, you show the potential buyer that you’re open to negotiation without giving in to their lowball offer.

  • “I appreciate your interest, but I can’t go that low. How about we meet in the middle at [fair price]?”
  • “Thanks for reaching out! I’ve already priced this item competitively at [asking price]. I can come down to [slightly lower price] if you’re interested.”
  • “I understand you’re looking for a deal, but [lowball price] is too low. I can do [reasonable price] if you’re willing to meet me there.”
  • “While I appreciate your offer, I’ve done my research and believe [asking price] is a fair price. I’m willing to lower it to [slightly reduced price] if that works for you.”
  • “I’m glad you’re interested in the item! I can’t accept [lowball offer], but I’m open to negotiating. How about [reasonable price]?”
  • “Thanks for your offer, but I’m firm on the price. I’ve already priced it fairly at [asking price]. Let me know if you’re still interested!”
  • “I understand you want a good deal, but [lowball price] is too low. I can meet you at [slightly lower price] if you’re willing to compromise.”
  • “I appreciate your interest, but I can’t go below [minimum price]. If you can come up to [reasonable price], it’s yours!”
  • “Thanks for reaching out! I’m not able to accept [lowball offer], but I’m willing to lower the price to [fair price] if that works for you.”
  • “I value your interest, but [lowball price] is too low. I’m firm on [slightly reduced price]. Let me know if you’re still interested!”

Emphasize the Item’s Value

“I understand you’re looking for a bargain, but this [item] is in excellent condition and has [unique features]. I believe [asking price] is a fair price considering its value.”

When someone sends you a lowball offer, it’s crucial to highlight the item’s value and explain why it’s worth the asking price. By emphasizing the item’s condition, unique features, or rarity, you can help the potential buyer understand its true worth and justify your pricing.

  • “This [item] is brand new and still in its original packaging. I’m asking [price] because it’s a great deal compared to retail value.”
  • “I’ve taken excellent care of this [item], and it’s in pristine condition. That’s why I’m firm on the price of [asking price].”
  • “This [item] is a rare find and highly sought-after. I’ve priced it at [asking price] based on its value and demand.”
  • “I understand you’re looking for a deal, but this [item] has unique features that make it worth the asking price of [price].”
  • “This [item] is a high-quality, professional-grade piece of equipment. I’m asking [price] because it’s a fair value considering its capabilities.”
  • “I’ve already priced this [item] competitively at [asking price], considering its excellent condition and included accessories.”
  • “This [item] is a collector’s item and hard to find in this condition. That’s why I’m firm on the price of [price].”
  • “I appreciate your interest, but this [item] is barely used and still under warranty. I believe [asking price] is a fair price considering its value.”
  • “This [item] has been well-maintained and comes with all the original documentation. I’m asking [price] because it’s a great deal for its condition.”
  • “I understand you want a bargain, but this [item] is a top-of-the-line model with advanced features. That’s why I’m firm on the price of [asking price].”

Suggest an Alternative

“If [asking price] is outside your budget, I have a similar [item] in good condition for [lower price]. Would you be interested in that instead?”

Sometimes, a potential buyer’s lowball offer might indicate that your item is simply outside their budget. In this case, it’s helpful to suggest an alternative that might better suit their needs and price range. By offering a similar item at a lower price, you show that you’re willing to work with them to find a solution.

  • “I understand [asking price] might be too high for you. I have another [item] that’s slightly older but still in great shape for [lower price]. Would that work better for your budget?”
  • “If [price] is more than you’re looking to spend, I have a similar [item] with fewer features for [reduced price]. Let me know if you’re interested!”
  • “I can’t go as low as [lowball offer], but I do have a comparable [item] in good condition for [lower price]. Would you like to take a look at that one instead?
  • “If [asking price] is outside your budget, I have a gently used [item] for [lower price]. It might be a better fit for you.”
  • “I understand you’re looking for a lower price. I have another [item] that’s not quite as advanced but still works great for [reduced price]. Would that be more in line with what you’re looking for?”
  • “If [price] is too steep, I have a similar [item] with some cosmetic wear but fully functional for [lower price]. Let me know if that interests you!”
  • “I can’t accept [lowball offer], but I do have an older model [item] in good working condition for [lower price]. Would you like to consider that instead?”
  • “If [asking price] doesn’t work for you, I have a basic version of the [item] for [reduced price]. It might be a better fit for your needs.”
  • “I understand [price] might be more than you’re looking to spend. I have a similar [item] that’s been well-maintained but has fewer bells and whistles for [lower price]. Would that be more suitable for you?”
  • “If [asking price] is too high, I have another [item] that’s slightly smaller but still in excellent condition for [lower price]. Let me know if you’d like to take a look at that one instead!”

Replying to a Girl

When replying to a girl who sends you a lowball offer on Craigslist, it’s essential to maintain a friendly and respectful tone. Remember, you want to build a rapport and increase the likelihood of a successful transaction. Here are some tips and examples to help you craft the perfect response:

  1. Start with a warm greeting: “Hi there! Thanks for your interest in my [item].”
  2. Acknowledge her offer politely: “I appreciate your offer of [lowball price], but I’m afraid that’s a bit lower than I’m willing to accept.”
  3. Explain the item’s value: “This [item] is in excellent condition and has [unique features], which is why I’ve priced it at [asking price].”
  4. Offer a slight discount: “I understand you’re looking for a good deal, so I’m willing to lower the price to [slightly reduced price] if that works better for you.”
  5. Suggest an alternative: “If [reduced price] is still outside your budget, I have a similar [item] in good condition for [lower price]. Would you be interested in that instead?”
  6. End with a friendly call-to-action: “Let me know if you have any other questions or if you’d like to come see the [item] in person. I’m happy to work with you to find a solution that benefits us both!”

Remember, the goal is to maintain a positive interaction while still standing firm on your item’s value. By offering a slight discount or suggesting an alternative, you show that you’re willing to negotiate and find a mutually beneficial agreement.

Replying to a Guy

When responding to a guy who sends you a lowball offer on Craigslist, it’s important to be direct, confident, and assertive. Here are some tips and examples to help you craft an effective response:

  1. Start with a polite but firm greeting: “Hey, thanks for reaching out about my [item].”
  2. Address the lowball offer directly: “I noticed your offer of [lowball price], but I’m afraid that’s quite a bit lower than I’m willing to accept.”
  3. Justify your asking price: “I’ve priced this [item] at [asking price] because it’s in great condition and has [unique features] that make it worth the investment.”
  4. Offer a small discount: “I understand you want to get a good deal, so I’m willing to come down to [slightly reduced price] if you’re interested.”
  5. Propose an alternative: “If [reduced price] doesn’t work for you, I have another [item] that’s slightly older but still in good shape for [lower price]. Would that be more in line with what you’re looking for?”
  6. End with a clear call-to-action: “Let me know if you’d like to move forward with the [item] at [reduced price] or if you want to check out the alternative I mentioned. I’m open to negotiation, but I do need to stand firm on the value of my items.”

By being direct and assertive in your response, you show that you’re confident in your item’s worth and not easily swayed by lowball offers. At the same time, offering a small discount or an alternative demonstrates your willingness to find a mutually beneficial solution.

Key Takeaways

  1. Stay calm and collected when receiving a lowball offer on Craigslist.
  2. Know your item’s worth and stand firm on its value.
  3. Counter lowball offers with a reasonable price that still aligns with your item’s value.

Craigslist Negotiations

Navigating the world of Craigslist can be tricky, especially when it comes to handling lowball offers. However, by following the tips and examples outlined in this article, you’ll be well-equipped to stand your ground and get the price you deserve for your items.

Remember, the key is to remain polite and respectful while still being assertive and confident in your item’s value. By offering reasonable counters, emphasizing the item’s worth, and suggesting alternatives, you’ll increase your chances of finding a mutually beneficial agreement with potential buyers.

So, the next time someone sends you a lowball offer on Craigslist, take a deep breath, refer back to this article, and craft the perfect response. With a little patience and savvy negotiation skills, you’ll be a Craigslist pro in no time!

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