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Best “Happy New Year” Replies to Your Friend

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Michele Stills


This New Year, send your friends and loved ones warm wishes and love-filled greetings to make their day special.

But what should you reply when they wish you back? Here are some amazing New Year wish replies to make them smile.

What should I reply when someone wishes me Happy New Year?

A sweet, positive New Year wish reply can make your loved ones feel valued. Here are some ideas:

Reply with gratitude – “Thank you so much! Wishing you and your family a very happy new year too!” This shows you appreciate them.

Share hopes for the coming year – “I hope this year brings us even closer together and gives us many reasons to celebrate.” Talk about your friendship.

Crack a lighthearted joke – “Same to you! But no more dancing on tables next New Year’s eve, deal?” Make them laugh lovingly.

Ask about their plans or goals – “Thank you! Do you have any fun plans or goals for the year ahead?” Show interest in their life.

Simply echo their sentiment – “Happy New Year to you too! Here’s to an awesome 2023.” Short, sweet replies work too.

The key is to respond positively with care, gratitude and good cheer. Tailor your reply to your unique relationship.

Best Responses

An sincere thank you

When a dear friend wishes you a Happy New Year, a heartfelt thank you makes them feel valued.

Saying thanks sincerely can strengthen bonds wonderfully. Respond by expressing gratitude in your own words. Some ideas: “I appreciate your wish so much!“, “You made my New Year special with your message!” or a simple “That’s so thoughtful of you!“. Show you are thankful for their gesture.

Other good options:

  • I’m grateful for your lovely message
  • It was so kind of you to think of me
  • Your wish means the world to me
  • Just reading your message made me smile

Wish them laughter and togetherness

Share hopes for laughter, bonding and connection in the coming year.

Replying with a hopeful wish brings you closer and gives a personalized touch. Some ideas: “I hope this year brings us closer together with plenty of joy,” or “Wishing we get to make magical memories in 2023!

Other good options:

  • This year, let’s make time for more laughs together
  • I hope we get to celebrate so many special moments
  • Here’s to nourishing our friendship with care this year
  • My wish is our bond deepens in the year ahead

Sprinkle in light humor

Inject some light humor or an inside joke to make your friend chuckle.

Laughter forges strong connections. Try saying: “Still can’t believe we pulled off that silly NYE prank last year!” or “This New Year’s let’s be serious mature adults…said no one ever!

Other good options:

  • Remember when we danced crazy last eve? More of that in 2023 please!
  • This year I expect some amazing meme forwards from you!
  • Cheers to celebrating this year, but no drunk calls to me!
  • Party animal level in 2023: unleashed!

Echo their beautiful wish

Simply echoing their New Year wish beautifully continues the warmth.

You could say: “Happy New Year to you too, dear friend!“, “Wishing you all the joy in 2023!” or “Here’s to our best year yet!“. Short and heartfelt works well.

Other nice options:

  • May we shine together this year!
  • You and me, let’s rock 2023!
  • I wish you nothing but the best things this year
  • Welcome 2023 with me, my treasured friend!

The key is responding genuinely from the heart. Then your reply will hit the right note.

How to Reply to a Girl

When a female friend wishes you New Year cheer, tailor your responses to her specific personality.

For girly friends who love dressing up, try – “Let’s celebrate in style this year! Crazy outfits and glam parties, here we come!

For outdoorsy girl friends – “Hope we get to enjoy awesome hikes under the stars in 2023 together! Happy New Year!

For chatty girl friends – “Thanks girl! Our marathon phone calls will be even longer this year laugh emoji. Happy New Year!

For shy girl friends – “Really appreciate you taking the time to wish me. Hope to hang out more in 2023!

The key is observing what she loves doing and incorporating that into your New Year reply. Thoughtful responses show her you care.

How to Reply to a Guy

When responding to platonic male friends, keep things fun, casual and focused on mutual interests.

For sports loving guys – “This year we’re watching the Super Bowl together – my treat! Happy 2023 bro!

For gamer guy friends – “Can’t wait to beat you at [insert game] again this year! Happy New Year!

For music buffs – “You still owe me that playlist! This year I expect awesome music recos from you, my friend.

For nerdy guys – “Let’s start an epic Dungeons and Dragons campaign this year! Happy New Year buddy!

Bond over shared hobbies and inside jokes. Simple well wishes also work perfectly well. The key is making him smile.

Key Takeaways for New Year Responses

  • Thank them sincerely – Gratitude strengthens bonds and makes people feel valued.
  • Personalize your reply – Based on their hobbies, personality type etc. Thoughtful responses show you care.
  • Keep it light and loving – Sprinkle in humor, laughter and affection to spread the New Year cheer.

Conclusion – Spread the Joy

As the clock strikes midnight, greet your loved ones with open arms and loving replies. Share hopes for the coming days, strengthen your bonds through laughter, simply be there for one another.

Each New Year brings a fresh chance to reconnect with those who matter. So as you raise your champagne glasses for the countdown, prepare your heart to wish them well when they wish you too.

For in this little gesture of care, joy and belongings blossoms. And that is what the New Year signifies – abundant hope, togetherness and the promise of brighter days ahead.

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