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Best Responses to “What Would You Like for Christmas?”

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Michele Stills


The holiday season is upon us once again. As we gather with loved ones and exchange gifts, that familiar question always seems to come up: “What would you like for Christmas this year?”

It may appear like a simple inquiry, but concealed within can be a surprising challenge. What response conveys appreciation while also providing helpful direction? The following is a lighthearted exploration of potential replies to this seasonal stalwart.

What is the best response when someone asks you what you want for Christmas?

The ideal response would be gracious, appreciative yet offers a degree of guidance. Rather than simply say “Anything is fine”, consider providing a general category of interest or specific item at an appropriate price point to give the gift-giver direction. This shows gratitude for their thoughtfulness while assisting their search for a meaningful present you’ll truly enjoy.

For example:

  • “I’d really love something cozy like a nice blanket or sweater this year.”
  • “I’ve had my eye on that new instant camera that prints mini photos.”
  • “A gift card to my favorite bookshop would be much appreciated!”

Best Responses

“I’ll take whatever I get!”

This well-meaning reaction focuses more on conveying thankfulness over guidance. While undoubtedly polite, it leaves the gift-giver in the dark as to your preferences. Pairing this with at least a categorical cue can transform it into a more helpful response.

Similar positive responses:

  • “Surprise me with something creative!”
  • “Anything from the heart is perfect for me.”
  • “I know I’ll love whatever you pick out!”

“Cash is always handy.”

Requesting money outright may seem crude to some. However, when asked what you want for a gift, providing explicit direction displays consideration for the gift-giver and saves them time guessing. Just be conscious of the amount suggested so it aligns with their budget expectations.

Other direct money requests:

  • “I could really use help with groceries this month.”
  • “I’ve been saving up for a new computer monitor.”
  • Contributing to my study abroad fund would be amazing!

“Something to help me relax after long days.”

This response demonstrates gratitude while offering a wide category match your interests. It’s suitably vague to encompass many affordable gift ideas, providing helpful direction without demanding specificity.

Additional category examples:

  • “I’d welcome anything colorful to brighten my room.”
  • “Maybe something useful for the kitchen?”
  • “Any accessories you think match my style.”

“Surprise me with your favorite book!”

Making a lighthearted request centered around the gift-giver’s tastes displays deep appreciation for them and the relationship you share. This warmly shifts focus to their preferences rather than just your own.

Other relationship-focused responses:

  • “I’d be grateful for any family recipes you treasure.”
  • “How about we bake holiday treats together?”
  • “Let’s have a movie night with your childhood favorites!”

“Anything that helps wildlife conservation.”

Gifting donations to charitable causes has become popular for the holidays. This allows you to direct support toward issues you care about when asked what you want. Just ensure the cause aligns fairly closely with the beliefs of who is giving the gift.

Additional values-based ideas:

  • “I’d be grateful for gifts that avoid excess packaging.”
  • “Perhaps a donation to help homeless children?”
  • “Maybe something supporting sustainability?”
Response TypeExample Responses
Appreciative“I’ll appreciate anything from the heart!”
Direct“Contributions to my car repair fund would help greatly.”
Categorical“I’d welcome any cozy loungewear this season.”
Relational“Surprise me with a book or movie you loved as a kid!”
Values-based“I’d be grateful for gifts that support ecological causes.”

How to Reply to Someone Asking You What You Want for Christmas (Female Perspective)

When responding to another woman inquiring what gift you desire for Christmas, warmly emphasize the relationship rather than the actual present. This strengthens your bond through gift-giving by focusing more on time together.

For example:

  • “I’d truly appreciate if we could bake holiday treats together this year. Maybe something passed down in your family?”
  • “Why don’t we have a spa day and exchange little gifts we made for each other?”
  • “Let’s save money on gifts and put it toward a trip we take together next year!”

If asked by a close female friend, display intimacy through inside jokes or references only the two of you share. This infuses the spirit of your friendship into any gift ultimately selected.

Some playful sample responses:

  • “As long as it’s not another alpaca sweater like last year!”
  • A gift card to replace all those lunches you owe me this year.
  • “Just don’t re-gift something from my apartment again!”

While responding graciously, remember to provide helpful direction as well. Offering examples of categories, price ranges, or specific items gives her valuable guidance.

For instance:

  • “I’d honestly love anything colorful or cozy, maybe something handmade?”
  • “I could really use wireless earbuds, but nothing too expensive please!”
  • “Home goods are always useful – perhaps a nice set of wine glasses?”

How to Reply to Someone Asking You What You Want for Christmas (Male Perspective)

When asked by another man what you want for Christmas, responses often focus more directly on the actual gift itself rather than the relationship. However, infusing thoughtfulness and sincerity can strengthen bonds.

For example:

  • “I’ll sincerely appreciate anything you pick out. You always know me so well!”
  • “Surprise me with something you think matches my style – maybe another great jacket like last year?”
  • “I know you’ll select something practical yet meaningful.”

Don’t shy away from explicitly requesting a general item category men may better understand. This provides clear direction while displaying you value their time and effort selecting a gift.

Some direct examples:

  • “I could really use some new tools for the garage or a gift card to the hardware store.”
  • “Maybe a nice bottle of bourbon or contribution to my new grill fund?”
  • “I’m saving up for a gaming console if you’d like to chip in.”

Offer sincere encouragement if he seems unsure or openly admits struggling to think of a gift idea. Emphasize you’ll appreciate time together more than the physical present.

For instance:

  • “Don’t stress yourself out over it! Just chip in toward a nice dinner out together my treat.”
  • Honestly, just having you visit for the holidays is a perfect gift itself.
  • “Why don’t we put gift money toward an awesome guy’s trip next summer?”

Key Takeaways

  • Express sincere gratitude for their thoughtfulness when asked what you want for Christmas. This creates a spirit of appreciation.
  • Provide helpful direction through general categories, price ranges, or specific examples. This assists the gift-giver while still allowing creativity.
  • Focus more on strengthening relationships than the actual physical gift itself if appropriate. This infuses deeper meaning into gift exchanges.

Conclusion: A Season for Giving Thanks

The words we choose when responding to holiday gift inquiries reveal much about ourselves. They demonstrate our capacity for gratitude, generosity, and grace. While offering guidance to show consideration of the gift-giver, remember the relationship far outweighs any wrapped packages. With open hearts this season, may we focus first on kindness and joy. For in such spirits, every gift exchange becomes its own precious return.

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