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How to Reply When Someone Says “I’m All Yours”: 30+ Flirty, Witty & Savage Responses

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Michele Stills


A rapid-fire sassy retort can emerge from even the shyest of us. I knew I needed some snappy comebacks locked and loaded after my friend’s cringe boyfriend said I’m all yours the moment we were alone.

Turns out, a witty reply makes awkward comments much less awkward. Below I’ll list some of my personal faves to try out next time it happens to you!

30 Ways to Reply When Someone Says “I’m All Yours”

Cheesy pickup lines require an equally cheesy response. Here are a few ideas to start:

  • “Sorry, I’m returning this to sender.”
  • “Sounds great. I’ll add you to my collection.”
  • “I don’t remember putting in an order.”
  • “Let me check my schedule first.”
  • “I think you’ve got me confused with someone else!”
  • “All mine, huh? I better get my money’s worth.”
  • “Lucky me, although you might regret saying that later.”
  • “Well I’m nobody’s, so I’ll have to pass.”
  • “Thanks, but I try to avoid making commitments I can’t keep.”
  • “Good to know, but I think we should start out as friends first.”

And if you really want to throw them off:

  • “Did you just quote a Taylor Swift song at me?”
  • “You must say that to all the girls/guys.”
  • “Do you really use that line on people?”
  • “I’m blushing! Got any other sweet nothings for me?”
  • “A little forward, but points for boldness.”
  • make explosion gestures with your hands “Mind blown!”
  • “Let me grab my schedule to pencil you in.”
  • “You charmer, let’s take things slow first.”
  • “Down girl/boy!”
  • “Simmer down there, casanova.”

Or go full savage with:

  • “Sounds great, but I might return you—I still have the receipt.”
  • “Oh no no no, you can’t handle all THIS.”
  • In your dreams, but keep dreaming.”
  • “I’m nobody’s anything, back off.”
  • “I belong to me, but nice try.”
  • “All yours? I don’t think so.”
  • “Maybe just rent with an option to buy.”
  • “Tempting offer but I must decline.”
  • “Oh bless your heart for trying.”

Some Funny Responses

Laughter cures all awkwardness. Hit them back with some zingers:

  • “Let me check if I’m free that day.”
  • “Hold your horses there buddy!”
  • “Mine? Does that mean I have to feed you?”
  • “I hope you don’t eat too much, I’m on a budget.”
  • “Can I return you if it doesn’t work out between us?”
  • “I’ll have to ask my cats if it’s ok with them first.”
  • “What makes you think I’m that easy to get?”
  • “You’re funny, but I’m not looking for a pet right now.”
  • “Do I get a gift receipt in case I want to exchange you?”
  • “If I’m all yours, you’re doing all the cooking and cleaning!”

Savage Comebacks

Channel your inner savage and shut it down:

  • “I’m all yours? Funny, because you look all mine.”
  • “Sweetheart, you couldn’t handle me even if I was.”
  • “Aww, that’s cute. But I belong to no one.”
  • “What makes you think you deserve all this?”
  • “Sounds perfect, but I don’t date liars.”
  • “I think you’re confused about our roles here.”
  • “Maybe just rent with an option to buy.”
  • “In your dreams, but keep dreaming.”
  • “I’m flattered but not interested.”
  • “Thanks but I’m not looking for a pet right now.”

Flirty Responses

Flip the script and flirt back:

  • “Careful what you wish for, I tend to cling!”
  • “All yours? Well aren’t you possessive…”
  • “I’m all yours huh? This could get interesting…”
  • “I like attention – keep those compliments coming!”
  • “So does this mean you’ll carry my books to class?”
  • “Will you still say that when I make you watch The Bachelor with me?”
  • “Good to know – pick me up at 8 on Friday!”
  • “Well aren’t you a smooth talker…”
  • “I’m blushing! Any other sweet nothings for me?”
  • “You charmer you, dial back the charm a bit!”

10 Best Responses

I Don’t Remember Putting In An Order

This quip calls out the canned nature of the line while still keeping things lighthearted. I’d recommend it in casual social settings when you want to gently reject someone’s advances without humiliating them.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
Parties or barsProfessional settings
Someone you may see againStrangers making you uncomfortable
Friends or acquaintancesTimes you feel unsafe

Sounds Great, But I Think We Should Start Out As Friends First

If it’s someone you want to let down easy without burning bridges, this response gives a soft rejection while leaving the door open to a future friendship.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
Coworkers/classmatesStrangers or people making unwanted advances
Friends of friendsAnyone aggressive or nonconsensual
Someone you want to avoid an awkward situation withTimes you feel threatened or unsafe

I’m Flattered, But I’ll Have To Pass

Polite but firm, this reply works well for turning down admirers graciously. It acknowledges the compliment without promising anything you don’t intend to deliver.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
When you appreciate the sentiment behind the admirer’s words, but don’t share their romantic intentionsTimes you feel disrespected, threatened, or unsafe
With someone who seems well-meaning even if the interest isn’t mutualWith anyone who ignores clear signs that you aren’t interested
In professional settings where you want to let someone down while preserving the relationshipWith strangers or hecklers making unwanted advances

Sounds Great, But I Think We Should Start Out As Friends First

If it’s someone you want to let down easy without burning bridges, this response gives a soft rejection while leaving the door open to a future friendship.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
Coworkers/classmatesStrangers or people making unwanted advances
Friends of friendsAnyone aggressive or nonconsensual
Someone you want to avoid an awkward situation withTimes you feel threatened or unsafe

Good to Know – Pick Me Up at 8 on Friday!

Throwing their line back at them with a twist catches people off guard. It also hints that you’re onto their game without directly calling them out.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
When you want to gently reject someone’s advances without humiliating themTimes you feel disrespected, threatened, or unsafe
With someone who seems well-meaning even if the interest isn’t mutualWith anyone who ignores clear signs that you aren’t interested

All Mine, Huh? I Better Get My Money’s Worth

This playful response works well when you want to rebuff someone without being confrontational. It highlights the absurdity of their statement indirectly.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
Friends or acquaintances you want to gently discourageAggressive strangers or anyone making you feel unsafe
Social gatherings where you want to defuse awkwardness lightlyProfessional settings where comedy may not fit
Low-stakes situations where embarrassing them isn’t a concernWith someone harmful or abusive

Careful What You Wish For, I Tend to Cling!

If said flirtatiously, this quip plants a seed of doubt while allowing you to excerpt some harmless payback. It’s great for friendly banter without hurt feelings.

When To UseWhen Not To Use
Friends who would take the sarcasm wellStrangers or hecklers
Social gatherings with a playful moodPublic transit/places you can’t easily leave
People you are comfortable teasing backCoworkers or other inappropriate relationships

How To Reply Based On Who Said It

How to Reply to a Guy

If an acquaintance drops this line, try friendly but clear shut-downs:

  • “You’re funny, but I’m not looking for anything right now.”
  • “I’m flattered, but let’s just be friends.”
  • “That’s sweet, but I’m not interested.”

Deflect player types with some sass:

  • “Are those lines working well for you lately?”
  • “Nice try, but I’m not that easy.”
  • “Your ego seems very fragile, so I’ll politely decline.”

Drop kick cocky strangers with savage responses:

  • “Thanks, but I have standards.”
  • “Maybe in your dreams, but this is reality.”
  • “I’m sure that line works great…on someone else.”

How to Reply to a Girl

If it’s an acquaintance or friend, politely decline:

  • “That’s nice of you to say, but I’m not looking for anything romantic.”
  • “I like you as a friend, but let’s leave it at that.”
  • “You deserve someone who returns those feelings.”

For unwelcome co-workers, be extra clear:

  • “Our relationship should remain professional for both our sakes.”
  • “Comments like that make me uncomfortable.”
  • “I’d prefer if we kept things strictly work-related.”

For pushy strangers, don’t worry about politeness:

  • “I’m not interested, back off.”
  • “You don’t get to claim ownership over someone you just met.”
  • I belong to myself, have a nice day.”

More Great Responses

Comebacks For When The Line is Used On You

If someone springs this line on you unprompted, call them out!

  • “Do lines like that actually work on people?”
  • “I’m not some conquest to claim.”
  • “Isn’t it a bit soon for dirty talk?”
  • “That sounds awfully possessive coming from a stranger.”

Ways To Reject Someone Without Being Rude

Let them down easy with responses like:

  • “I’d prefer if we just stayed friends.”
  • “You seem nice, but I’m not interested in anything romantic.”


Whether it’s a sly coworker, cheesy pick-up artist, or handsy frat guy dropping this tired line, you’ll now be ready with the perfect snappy comeback! Having a few sassy responses up your sleeve can give you confidence to shut things down without feeling flustered.

My favorite go-to? I’m flattered, but I’ll have to pass. It says thanks but no thanks with class and dignity.

Of course, safety first! Always remove yourself from uncomfortable situations immediately. And you never owe anyone your time or attention if you don’t want to give it.

But when you do feel like serving up some spice? Try out a few of these zingy replies for shutting down the “I’m all yours” line next time it comes your way!

So tell me – what’s your best comeback for when someone throws this cheesy line your way? Did I miss any good ones? Let me know in the comments!

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