How to Respond to FWB Requests: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

Michele Stills

Michele Stills


When someone sends you a FWB request out of the blue, it can catch you off guard. Your first reaction might be “How do I respond to this?!” Before crafting a reply, take a deep breath. There are many routes you can take – from flirty and fun to savage and sassy.

I decided to make this guide after my friend was bombarded with cringey messages from a former Tinder match. She needed help navigating the situation gracefully. Whether you want to gently turn them down or fire back with a witty comeback, I’ve covered all the bases in this article. Keep scrolling for 30+ responses and more ideas tailored to different scenarios.

30 Ways to Respond to FWB Requests

Before unleashing any sassy replies, make sure you feel comfortable with the direction of the conversation. If comments ever cross a line or make you uneasy, don’t hesitate to block or report the person.

With that said, here are 30 playable responses:

Getting an out of the blue FWB request can be jarring. While you don’t need to unleash a full clapback, having a few savage responses up your sleeve is handy for overly pushy creeps. Use these sassy comebacks sparingly towards people who just don’t get the hint:



Witty Comebacks

If you prefer a more playful style over savage shutdowns, whip out one of these witty responses:

Pop Culture Call Outs

For all the meme lords and pop culture junkies, reference a viral trend or sassy TV/movie quote:

Polite But Firm Responses

If you want to let someone down easy without ghosting, go the polite but firm route:

Also Read:

Brutal Honesty

And for those times you just want to be 1000% real:

Top 10 Editor’s Choice Responses

“I appreciate the invite, but I’d prefer keeping things friendly between us.”

This response firmly establishes boundaries without being overly harsh. It leaves the door open for a normal friendship while making it clear an FWB situation won’t transpire.

When to use: When someone you newly met makes an advance and you want to politely decline.

When not to use: For overly aggressive or vulgar requests.

“I don’t love the assumptions here. I’m not that type of girl/guy.”

If you want to check someone’s intentions, this reply calls out problematic assumptions while speaking your truth. It calls them in rather than attacking their character.

When to use: When someone makes blanket assumptions about your interests.

When not to use: With close friends who know you well.

Also Read:

“We’re not on that level yet, but let’s chat and get to know each other first!”

This response reminds the asker you two don’t know each other well enough for that request yet. It leaves room for a normal conversation without shaming.

When to use: Early on with new matches or bare acquaintances.

When not to use: In long-term close relationships.

“Flattered, but I’ll have to pass for now. Let’s talk though!”

If you want to gently turn down an advance without burning bridges, try this warm yet firm reply. It focuses on your feelings rather than attacking the asker.

When to use: When you want to let someone down easy but make your stance clear.

When not to use: For super vulgar, inappropriate requests.

“Did we just become best friends?? YUP!”

Memes and pop culture references inject humor when declining an unwanted advance. This lighthearted comeback makes your boundaries known without being harsh.

When to use: When you want a clever, sarcastic response.

When not to use: If sarcasm could escalate the situation.

“Getting drinks first might be better before jumping to friends with benefits!”

This response politely pumps the breaks and suggests meeting first before escalating to an FWB. It reminds the asker you two haven’t even met yet.

When to use: Early with a new match when you want to slow things down.

When not to use: After already establishing a friendship or relationship.

Also Read:

“I’m not comfortable with that right now, but let’s talk normally!”

For direct clarity without attacking the asker, this reply states your stance kindly but firmly. It focuses the conversation on your feelings and boundaries.

When to use: When being clear is important but you don’t want to hurt feelings.

When not to use: With close friends if a softer approach would work better.

“I’d prefer not to go the fwb route, but tell me more about [insert subject change]!”

If you want to smoothly change course from an unwanted advance, redirect to a new topic. Make your stance clear kindly, then engage on something else.

When to use: When redirecting could help move the conversation elsewhere.

When not to use: If the asker seems volatile or aggressive.

“New fwb request, who dis?”

For a snarky, sassy vibe, use this viral meme format. It calls out the unusual nature of the ask while injecting humor.

When to use: With overly confident requests from vague acquaintances.

When not to use: In professional settings or with those you want to maintain relationships with.

“Hmm too soon for that! But what’s your favorite pizza topping?”

Lighten an awkward advance with playful banter instead of attacking the person. Redirect from the unwanted request to a silly new topic.

When to use: To redirect tension into a fun new chat direction.

When not to use: If playfulness could come across annoying or rude.

How to Reply to Girls

When a girl makes an unexpected FWB advance, react kindly even if you aren’t interested. These responses make your boundaries clear while avoiding shame:

Shift the focus to your feelings and boundaries rather than attacking her character. This technique prevents escalating tension while being direct. If she continues pressing past clear “no’s,” you may need to block her.

How to Reply to Guys

When guys make FWB requests, some react poorly to harsh shutdowns. Use these responses to deflate tension:

These replies aren’t overly warm and fuzzy, but prevent hurting his ego with brutal shutdowns. They also clearly state your intentions, avoiding any confusion.

In a Relationship Already

If you’re already dating someone, make that clear by responding:

Short and sweet is best here. Simply stating you’re off the market due to a relationship is sufficient. No need to justify or explain further!

When It’s Your Ex

Exes can make complicated FWB requests. Proceed carefully by responding:

These responses highlight the risky nature of ex-sex without attacking their character. If your ex accepts the decline, cleanly cut contact after to avoid blurring boundaries.


When responding to “wanna be FWB” requests, tailor your reaction to the context and person. Kindly declining overly confident strangers differs greatly from rejecting an ex wanting to rekindle the flame. Regardless of your reply, make self-care the priority.

Don’t hesitate to block anyone igniting discomfort. And if a consensual, ethical arrangement sounds enticing – have fun safely exploring that! Just communicate boundaries clearly first and foremost.

Michele Stills
Michele Stills
I'm an evidence-based coach helping clients with their communication, leadership skills, anxiety, public speaking and interpersonal relationship skills.

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