How to Respond When Someone Calls You Honey (Personal Experience 😜)

Michele Stills


How to Respond When Someone Calls You Honey – 18 Savage Yet Classy Comebacks

Last week, I was catching up with an old friend over coffee when he suddenly called me “honey” mid-conversation. While likely meant as a friendly gesture, it still took me by surprise and left me wondering how to respond.

I’ve polled my readers, scoured the internet, and reflected on my own experiences to compile this definitive guide on how to respond when someone calls you honey unexpectedly. From lighthearted comebacks to more serious replies, I’m covering all the bases so you feel prepared next time it happens to you.

Funny and Playful Responses

If you want to keep things casual and inject some humor into the situation, try one of these funny comebacks:

  • Well that’s a new one, pumpkin.
  • Aww, you sweet talker. I might just blush.
  • Honey? But we barely know each other!
  • Did we accidentally get married when I wasn’t looking?
  • Sorry, I’m more of an agave nectar kind of girl.
  • I don’t recall us picking out China patterns together.
  • Flattered, but my name’s actually [Your Name].
  • Hands off the pet names, Loverboy. We’re just friends.

These playful responses let them know you found it amusing but unexpected. Adding a touch of light sarcasm or sass keeps the mood upbeat without getting too serious.

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Subtly Call Out the Behavior

If you want to address the name directly but gently, try one of these replies:

  • Interesting choice to call me honey. Any reason?
  • I’m not your honey, but I’ll let it slide just this once.
  • Honey, really? We don’t know each other that well.
  • I have an actual name, you know. It’s [Your Name].
  • Let’s keep things professional, agreed?
  • Honey is a bit personal, don’t you think John/Mary?

These responses subtly call out the inappropriate or overly familiar use of “honey” without accusations. Keeping things calm and direct allows you to re-establish boundaries politely.

Bluntly Reject the Pet Name “Honey”

If subtlety isn’t your style or it continues after asking them not to, shut it down unambiguously:

  • Please don’t call me honey. My name is [Your Name].
  • I asked you not to call me honey. Let’s move on.
  • Stop with the honey nonsense. It’s strange and unnecessary.
  • Refer to me by my actual name from now on, okay?
  • Drop the pet names. They make me uncomfortable.
  • No honey, no sweetheart, no darling. Got it? Good.

Don’t worry about sparing their feelings here – you have every right to demand basic respect and insist they use your real name. Be clear and firm without guilt.

Sarcastically Embrace the Nickname

If some sassy humor suits your style, lean into the pet name sarcastically:

  • Sure thing, muffin. Anything else I can get for you?
  • Coming right up, snugglebug! Need me to grab you a coffee too?
  • Wow, moving fast with the nicknames Pookie Bear! Shall we look at wedding venues this weekend?
  • You know just how talk to a lady, don’t you stud muffin?

Ham it up with exaggerated pet names in response, highlighting the absurdity. But read their reaction carefully – some may interpret sarcasm as genuine flirtation.

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Turn the Tables

Flip the nickname script by calling them an equally silly or inappropriate name:

  • Sure thing, big boy.
  • Coming right up, hunk biscuit!
  • Okay, baby cakes! Anything for you.
  • Absolutely, lover lips. Let me write that down.

Imitating their behavior throws them off balance and gives them a taste of their own medicine. Just be cautious not to take things too far if it makes either of you truly uncomfortable.

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When is “Honey” Acceptable?

Now that we’ve covered responses in uncomfortable situations, let’s discuss when honey may be appropriate. In general, it’s fine between very close friends who use playful nicknames regularly. For instance, I call my best friend “honey bunny” and she calls me “shnookums”- but we specifically agreed on silly pet names as part of our dynamic.

It can also be alright between established romantic partners, depending on their preferences and relationship norms. Some long-married couples refer to each other as “honey”, while more casual pairings likely find it too intimate. Gauge comfort levels before breaking out sweet talk.

Additionally, honey is sometimes used platonically but condescendingly towards younger women in certain cultural contexts, so remain alert to power dynamics at play.

The safest bet? Stick to actual names until explicitly invited to use nicknames by someone. Lead by example and always err on the side of respect.

When to Speak Up Against “Honey”

While lighthearted between friends, there are also times when honey can feel demeaning, including:

  • From senior colleagues towards junior team members
  • From those in positions of authority (bosses, professors, clergy)
  • Strangers or very casual acquaintances
  • After you’ve indicated it makes you uncomfortable
  • Frequently, despite repeated requests not to
  • In a sexualized, suggestive or objectifying manner

Trust your gut. If something feels sexist, creepy, or oversteps your boundaries, don’t downplay your instincts. Calmly, firmly insist on respect – you deserve to feel comfortable and heard.

Navigating Cultural Contexts

Like many quirks of language, honey carries different cultural connotations to consider:

  • In the American South, strangers often address women as “honey” or “sweetheart” platonically yet condescendingly. Speak up if it bothers you.
  • Some customer service reps (especially in the South) rely on darling or honey unconsciously, aiming for a positive tone. If it’s not ill-intentioned, let it slide.
  • Older generations of women in black communities use “honey” endearingly in conversation without meaning disrespect. Appreciate the affection.

While I always encourage trusting your gut when uncomfortable, also reflect on whether ingrained cultural habits or harmless intentions could be at play. When confronted thoughtfully, most people will apologize and adjust. Frame objections lightly then escalate intensity if needed.

What If Someone Gets Defensive?

Despite calm requests to cease using honey, some persist stubbornly or react badly at first. Common retorts include:

  • “Don’t take it so seriously! I call everyone that.”
  • “You’re too sensitive, it’s just a casual nickname.”
  • “I’m older than you, I’ll call you whatever I want.”

Hold your ground respectfully. Reiterate why it bothers you directly but avoid aggression. If they remain combative or continue calling you honey, implement firmer boundaries or address with appropriate authorities (managers, HR, etc) when feasible. Don’t compromise or justify your right to basic respect – you are in the right.

Final Thoughts In Closing

Unwanted “honey” can sometimes slip out innocuously during friendly interactions. But in many cases, it subtly perpetuates problematic gender dynamics in society. Arm yourself with savvy yet defensive responses, but also offer grace to those earnestly unaware.

As broader social consciousness evolves, we all must continually reflect on language and behavior. Progress lies in constructive dialogue, not accusations – help even well-intentioned offenders right missteps with empathy. But always stand unwaveringly up for your own dignity.

You deserve to feel comfortable, respected, and heard – no matter what you’re called. Now you know precisely how to respond when that’s not the case. Here’s to progress, honey!

Michele Stills
I'm an evidence-based coach helping clients with their communication, leadership skills, anxiety, public speaking and interpersonal relationship skills.

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