How To Respond When Someone Says You’re Not Funny: 36+ Savage & Witty Responses

Michele Stills

Michele Stills


Not funny? Who decides that? Humor is subjective, so don’t let one person’s opinion get to you. I used to take these comments personally until I realized I don’t have to be funny to everyone.

Here are 30 comeback responses to try next time someone claims you lack a sense of humor. Read on for more ideas split by type of reply.

30 Witty Comebacks When Someone Says You Aren’t Funny

We all have our own taste in comedy. Maybe I’m just not your cup of tea! But here’s the thing…

Maybe I’m only funny to people with an actual sense of humor.

Did I ask for your opinion? Nope!

Aw thanks for noticing! I was going for serious today.

Do I look like a stand up comedian or something? Relax.

I think you just exposed your own terrible sense of humor.

Do me a favor and laugh the next time I crack a joke just to humor me.

I’m hysterical to me and that’s all that matters!

Don’t quit your day job comedy critic.

Gee thanks for the confidence boost.

You must be confused, I’m HILARIOUS.

Don’t be jealous just because I’m funnier than you!

I’ll be sure to bring the jokes next time we hang.

I’m not sure you get my elevated sense of humor.

I’m still waiting for you to say something funny…

Did I ask you? Keep your opinions to yourself.

Sorry you can’t appreciate genius when you see it.

Do me a favor and pretend to think I’m funny.

Maybe get your funny bone checked cause something’s wrong.

I’ll be here all week! dramatic bow

I’m not funny, I’m hilarious…just ask me!

Lighten up grumpy, life doesn’t have to be so serious!

Don’t blame me for your lack of laughter lately.

Don’t be mad because I’m funnier than you even when I’m not trying!

I’ll be sure to laugh extra hard at your weak jokes from now on.

At least I can take a joke, lighten up!

Did I forget to bring my A game today? My bad.

Don’t worry, you’ll get my sense of humor someday.

Maybe I’m just too quick witted for you to keep up.

I’d rather be unfunny than have no sense of humor like you!

So do you want to hear a funny joke or not?

Funny Comebacks For “You’re Not Funny”

I may not be a comedian, but I still have a sense of humor. If you don’t find me funny then oh well, but there’s no need to be rude about it! Here are some lighthearted ways to respond when someone claims you’re not humorous.

  1. Did I forget to bring my A game today? My bad.
  2. Don’t worry, you’ll get my sense of humor someday.
  3. Laugh it up, I know I’m hilarious even when I’m not trying to be!
  4. I solemnly swear to bring better jokes next time.
  5. At least I can take a joke, lighten up!
  6. So do you want to hear a funny joke or not?
  7. I’d rather be unfunny than have no sense of humor like you!
  8. Maybe get your funny bone checked cause something’s wrong.
  9. I’ll be sure to laugh extra hard at your weak jokes from now on.
  10. Aw man, and here I thought my knock knock jokes were comedy gold!

Savage Comebacks When Someone Says You’re Not Funny

If someone is outright rude or mean when they claim you lack comedic talents, feel free to snap back with one of these cutting comebacks. But be warned, they might not take criticism about their own dull personality so well when you turn the tables!

  1. I think you just exposed your own terrible sense of humor.
  2. Do me a favor and laugh the next time I crack a joke just to humor me.
  3. Did I ask for your rude opinion? Nope, so keep it to yourself!
  4. Maybe I’m only funny to people with an actual personality.
  5. I’m still waiting for you to say something remotely humorous…
  6. At least I can crack a smile, unlike someone I know.
  7. Don’t blame me for your lack of laughter lately.
  8. Sorry you can’t appreciate genius comedy when you see it.
  9. I’m hysterical to me and that’s all that matters!
  10. Gee, don’t strain yourself pretending to think I’m funny.

Flirty Comebacks For “You Aren’t Funny”

If there’s some romantic chemistry with the person critiquing your humor, flip the script with a playful, flirty comeback. Gently tease them for not appreciating your comedy gold while suggesting they loosen up and laugh next time.

  1. If you went on a date with me I promise I’d have you laughing all night.
  2. I guess I’ll just have to charm you with my savvy conversational skills instead.
  3. Don’t worry, I’ll win you over with my sparkling personality if not my sharp wit.
  4. Sorry I’m failing at being funny around my crush! blushing emoji
  5. Give me another chance to wow you with my humor on our next date!
  6. I try way too hard to be hilarious around pretty girls/guys like you.
  7. Maybe YOU could give ME private lessons in being funnier. wink wink
  8. My joking skills clearly need some work if I’m failing to impress you!
  9. I promise I’m funnier when there’s not a cute girl/guy around making me nervous!
  10. Okay, I promise to bring better jokes on our next date. Deal?

Sarcastic Comebacks For “You Aren’t Funny”

Fight fire with fire by hitting back with healthy dose of sarcasm when someone slams your comedic talents. These snarky replies mock their own judgmental attitude.

  1. Gee, thanks for the lovely confidence boost, really feeling the support.
  2. Well aren’t you just a regular comedian yourself?
  3. Do they give out awards for unsolicited opinions on humor? Asking for you.
  4. I can literally feel your amazing sense of humor radiating off you right now.
  5. Wow, aren’t you quite the critic? Let’s hear YOUR tight five comedy set.
  6. Did I accidentally enter America’s Got Talent tryouts right now? My bad.
  7. Need me to laugh obnoxiously loud at your jokes to boost YOUR ego?
  8. Yes because YOU’RE clearly the authority on comedy around here. eyeroll
  9. I apologize sincerely for failing to live up to your comedy standards. sarcasm font
  10. Do me a favor and pretend to think I’m funny since you asked so nicely.

10 Best Editor’s Choice Comebacks When Someone Says You Aren’t Funny

I compiled my top ten favorite funny, savage, and sly comebacks for any situation where someone claims you lack comedic chops. Bust these out for some sweet payback!

1. Maybe I’m Only Funny to People With An Actual Sense Of Humor

Ouch, shots fired! This savage reply implies they are the problem, not you. Make sure whoever you respond to this way can take a taste of their own medicine though.

When to use: If someone is being especially rude or judgmental about your attempts at humor.

When NOT to use: Around sensitive people or those you want to maintain positive relationships with. This has some bite to it!

2. Did I Ask For Your Opinion? Nope!

This curt response shuts down their unsolicited criticism real quick. It lets them know you don’t care what they think and didn’t ask them to rate your joking in the first place.

When to use: When someone volunteers their critique on your humor when you didn’t request feedback.

When NOT to use: Towards close friends or family sincerely looking out for you. This is a little hostile for innocent comments from people who care.

3. Laugh It Up, I Know I’m Hilarious Even When I’m Not Trying To Be!

Don’t let them rain on your parade with this cheeky reply. Own your hilarity even if it’s unintentional! This playful comeback shows their opinion doesn’t bring you down.

When to use: When you’re in a silly mood and want to keep things light.

When NOT to use: Around super serious folks who won’t appreciate the cheek. Save for fun friends who will banter with you!

4. Did I Forget To Bring My A Game Today? My Bad.

Whoops! Poke a bit of fun at yourself here by pretending to sincerely apologize for your humor falling short this time. It’s hard to insult someone who agrees with the criticism on their own terms.

When to use: You’re feeling chill about the whole thing and want to simply laugh it off.

When NOT to use: If you’re truly upset by the remark, this self-deprecating joke may sting more than come across good natured. Read the room.

5. Maybe Get Your Funny Bone Checked ‘Cause Something’s Wrong

Oh no they didn’t! Polite shade them back by implying the problem lies with their own humorous deficiencies, not yours. Clap back while keeping it cute using this comeback.

When to use: Around friends who will think your sassy reply is more hilarious than rude.

When NOT to use: With sensitive or very serious folks likely to take genuine offense. Know your audience!

6. If You Went On A Date With Me I Promise I’d Have You Laughing All Night

Breaking out the charm? Flirt back boldly by guaranteeing a date with you would impress them way more than your regular comedic stylings. Oozes confidence!

When to use: When romantic chemistry makes this cheeky reply land perfectly. Or if you WANT to make a love connection!

When NOT to use: Around conservative folks likely to misinterpret your forwardness. Save for someone you actually want to ask out or properly flirt with.

7. Gee, Thanks For The Lovely Confidence Boost, Really Feeling The Support

Mastering the art of sarcasm? Hit back subtle shade cloaked in this mock grateful reply. Make it known their rude remark didn’t go unnoticed.

When to use: Around even-tempered friends less sensitive to sarcastic quips.

When NOT to use: Anyone prone to taking criticism very personally. Too easy to come across as genuine meanness.

8. Yes, Because YOU’RE Clearly The Authority On Comedy Around Here Eye Roll

Call out their unwarranted expertise on what constitutes humor using every classic sarcastic trick. Eye rolls, extra emphasis, the dramatic pause – do it up!

When to use: When you’re 100% sure whoever you’re responding won’t start full on fighting words over it!

When NOT to use: Conservative crowds likely to interpret sarcasm as genuine disrespect. Or around volatile folks quick to anger.

9. At Least I Can Crack A Smile, Unlike Someone I Know

Ooooh snap! This scathing retort implies they are utterly joyless if they can’t even appreciate your attempts humor. Brutal yes, but sometimes deserved!

When to use: Only if someone is being inexplicably cruel tearing down your comedy skills for no good reason.

When NOT to use: Friendly banter that goes too far. Best to take the high road when possible.

10. I Solemnly Swear To Bring Better Jokes Next Time

Win them over with this dramatic oath promising to improve your material in the future. Say it sincerely for extra laughs! Ham up the performance factor.

When to use: Groups with boisterous, outgoing personalities who will eat up your theatrical reaction.

When NOT to use: Uptight crowds needing you to take feedback more seriously. Adapt based on the room.

Comeback Lines For “You Aren’t Funny” From A Girl

Ladies, don’t let anyone claim you lack a killer sense of humor. Whip out a clever pun or two from this list next time. Or just tell that hater they need to laugh more!

  1. Clearly my knockout comedy requires an elevated sense of humor.
  2. Babe, I’m gorgeous AND hilarious. The full package!
  3. Quit harshing my vibe and laugh at my amazing jokes!
  4. I forgot my joke book holder named [their name] to prompt me today!
  5. I know I’m pretty, but I’ve got killer comedy chops too.
  6. Trust me, I’m funnier when judgy guys aren’t around! hair flip
  7. My ex got my humor, why can’t you? shrug
  8. Maybe get a sense of humor transplant first, then try out my jokes.
  9. I’m not just another pretty face! My punchlines SLAY.
  10. Queen of comedy coming through, move aside!

Comeback Lines For “You Aren’t Funny” From A Guy

Gentlemen, never let them claim you don’t have comedic talents! Break out these clever replies next time someone says you’re not the funny guy you think you are.

  1. Babe I’m more than just a pretty face…I’m pretty damn HILARIOUS too!
  2. Maybe you just don’t have a refined enough sense of humor for my jokes.
  3. Lighten up sweetheart, you’d laugh if you heard my A material!
  4. If we went on a date I bet I’d have you cracking up all night.
  5. I must have left my joke book at home, my bad! Can I make it up to you over dinner?
  6. Trust me, I’m WAY funnier after a couple drinks. wink
  7. Don’t worry babe, my killer dance moves make up for my bad jokes!
  8. Clearly you just haven’t experienced the full range of my humor yet.
  9. Maybe comedy just isn’t your thing if you can’t appreciate MY sick jokes.
  10. Give me another chance to wow you with my humor skills on our next date!


At the end of the day, humor is subjective. Not everyone will share your whacked out sense of comedy – and that’s ok! Don’t let one negative nelly ruin your good time or make you doubt your humor skills.

Try out some of the cheeky, sarcastic, or savage comebacks from this article next time. Or kill the critics with kindness and agree to politely disagree about your joke telling abilities.

Either way, don’t EVER let anyone’s unsolicited opinions or rude remarks stop you from having fun and cracking jokes! The right people will laugh along with you. As long as you’re entertaining yourself, who cares what the haters think anyway?

Michele Stills
Michele Stills
I'm an evidence-based coach helping clients with their communication, leadership skills, anxiety, public speaking and interpersonal relationship skills.

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