Responses to “Can I Have Your Number”: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

Michele Stills

Michele Stills


Ever been stumped when someone asks for your number?

 Here’s a quick fix! 

“I’d love to, but I’m currently in a relationship with my phone.” 

Why write about this? Well, I’ve been there, and trust me, it’s tricky navigating these waters. For more clever comebacks, keep reading!

30 Witty Responses

Before we dive into our list, remember, the right response can be a game-changer. Whether you’re looking to flirt back, make a joke, or shut it down, here’s a list of 30 real-life usable responses:

Also Read: Comebacks When Someone Says You Have No Friends: 30+ Witty And Savage Responses

Remember, the goal is to keep it light and fun. Now, let’s move on to some specific categories of responses that can add a bit of spice to your interactions!

Funny Responses

If you want to make the other person laugh, you can use some of these funny responses:

  • “Sure, it’s 867-5309. Ask for Jenny.”
  • “Sorry, I only give out my number on leap years.”
  • “Sure, but you have to promise not to call me during my nap time.”
  • “I’ll give you my number, but only if you agree to be my emergency contact.”
  • “Sure, it’s 1-800-NO-THANKS.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t have a phone. I communicate with carrier pigeons.”
  • “Sure, but you have to pass a quiz first. What’s the capital of Uzbekistan?”
  • “Sorry, I can’t. My mom said I’m not allowed to talk to strangers.”
  • “Sure, it’s 555-5555. Wait, that’s too many fives.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t have a number. I’m an alien.”

Savage Responses

If you want to shut down the other person, you can use some of these savage responses:

  • “No, but you can have my middle finger.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number to losers.”
  • “No, but you can have my therapist’s number. You clearly need it.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t have a number. I have a restraining order.”
  • “No, but you can have my lawyer’s number. He’ll be in touch.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number to creeps.”
  • “No, but you can have my dentist’s number. You need to fix that smile.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t have a number. I have a boyfriend.”
  • “No, but you can have my Instagram handle. You can admire me from afar.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number to randoms.”

Flirty Responses

If you want to flirt back with the other person, you can use some of these flirty responses:

  • “Sure, but only if you promise to call me tonight.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number. But you can give me yours, and I’ll think about it.”
  • “Sure, but only if you buy me a drink first.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number. But you can have my Snapchat, and we’ll see what happens.”
  • “Sure, but only if you compliment me first.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number. But you can have my email, and we’ll chat later.”
  • “Sure, but only if you kiss me first.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number. But you can have my TikTok, and we’ll dance together.”
  • “Sure, but only if you tell me a secret first.”
  • “Sorry, I don’t give out my number. But you can have my Netflix password, and we’ll watch something together.”

Also Read: Comebacks When Someone Calls You Poor: 30+ Witty And Savage Responses

I hope these examples help you write the second part of the article. Remember, you can always modify them to suit your own style and tone. Have fun writing! 😊

3 Editor’s Choice Responses

These are some of the best responses that I have personally used or heard from others. They are witty, clever, and effective. I’ll explain why they work and when to use them.

“Sorry, I don’t have a number. I have a name.”

This response is great because it shows that you value your identity and personality more than your digits. It also implies that the other person should get to know you better before asking for your number. You can use this response when you want to make a good impression and challenge the other person to be more respectful and creative.

When to useWhen not to use
When you want to be assertive and confidentWhen you want to be polite and friendly
When you want to make the other person work harderWhen you want to make the other person feel comfortable
When you want to stand out from the crowdWhen you want to blend in with the crowd

“Sure, but you have to promise to text me something interesting.”

This response is great because it shows that you are interested and open to communication, but you also have high standards and expectations. It also puts the pressure on the other person to come up with something original and engaging. You can use this response when you want to flirt and have fun with the other person.

When to useWhen not to use
When you want to be playful and adventurousWhen you want to be serious and cautious
When you want to test the other person’s creativity and humorWhen you want to avoid the other person’s creativity and humor
When you want to start a lively conversationWhen you want to end a boring conversation

Also Read: How to Respond to ‘Chill’: 30+ Flirty, Witty And Savage Responses

“No, but you can have my Instagram handle. It’s @nope_nope_nope.”

This response is great because it shows that you have a sense of humor and a sense of boundaries. It also gives the other person a clear message that you are not interested and not available. You can use this response when you want to reject the other person in a funny and polite way.

When to useWhen not to use
When you want to be humorous and respectfulWhen you want to be rude and disrespectful
When you want to give the other person a hintWhen you want to give the other person a chance
When you want to end the conversation quicklyWhen you want to continue the conversation longer

I hope these examples help you write the third part of the article. Remember, you can always modify them to suit your own style and tone. Have fun writing! 😊

How to Reply to a Girl

When responding to a girl who asks for your number, you want to come across as confident yet respectful. Being too aggressive or overly flirty may turn her off. At the same time, replying in a dull or disinterested way fails to move the conversation forward.

Here are some tips for crafting the perfect response:

  • Compliment her. A sincere compliment shows you noticed something specific about her that you appreciate. This makes your interest clear without being too strong.
  • Suggest exchanging numbers. Don’t demand her number directly. Instead, say something like “I’d love to keep talking if you want to exchange numbers.” This leaves it open for her to decline if she prefers.
  • Ask an easy question. Give her an opening to respond so the conversation continues. Ask about weekend plans, a class you share, or anything low-pressure.
  • Watch your tone. Your words are only part of the equation. An angry, sarcastic, or overly excited tone can undermine an otherwise good response.

Putting this together, a solid response would be:

“I really enjoyed our conversation. You seem really cool! Want to exchange numbers so we can keep talking? What are you up to this weekend?”

This balances flattery, intent, and easy conversation starters for a smooth reply.

How to Reply to a Guy

When a guy asks for your number, you hold the cards in shaping the conversation. As the one being pursued, you get to set the tone and intensity.

Here are some tips for handling a guy’s request gracefully:

  • Thank him. It takes courage to approach someone with romantic intent. Appreciate the compliment even if you aren’t interested.
  • Be clear. If you aren’t comfortable exchanging digits, politely decline rather than vague maybes. Mixed signals waste everyone’s time.
  • Suggest an alternative. If you’d like to talk more but aren’t ready to swap numbers, counter with continuing the chat instead.
  • Give him an easy “in.” Ask an innocent question in return to keep things upbeat even with a “no.” This cushions the blow of rejection.

An example response putting this into action:

“I’m flattered you want my number. Unfortunately I’m not quite ready for that, but I’m happy to keep talking! How’s your day going so far?”

This lets him down easy while leaving the door open for further conversation if you click. The ball is in his court to keep things moving without the pressure of responding to an unwanted number request.

How toPolitely Turn Down Someone

Declining interest from an admirer can be awkward. You want to clearly communicate disinterest without unnecessary meanness. Here are some tips to tactfully turn someone down:

  • Be direct. Don’t beat around the bush. Clearly state you aren’t interested in dating, giving your number, etc. Mixed signals waste everyone’s time.
  • Thank them. Whatever the context, it takes guts to put yourself out there. Show appreciation for the courage it took to approach you.
  • Offer friendship (optional). If you think you could be decent friends, mention being open to that instead of romance. If not, keeping your distance is fine too.
  • Check in afterward. Once you’ve turned them down, check back in after a few days. See if they need support moving on or if the friendship offer still stands.

Here is an example conversation:

Them: “Hey, can I get your number? I’d love to take you out sometime.”

You: “I’m flattered, but I’m not interested in exchanging numbers or going on a date. I do appreciate you putting yourself out there though – that takes guts! While romance is off the table, let me know if you ever want to grab lunch as friends instead.”

You (two days later): “I just wanted to check in and say no hard feelings about the other day. Please let me know if you want to talk.”

This lets them down respectfully while offering alternatives if appropriate. Following up shows care for their feelings.

When Someone Keeps Pursuing After Rejection

Sometimes politely declining interest doesn’t deter a stubborn admirer. Repeatedly asking for a number or date despite being told “no thanks” is pushy and unacceptable. Here is how to stand your ground:

  • Don’t apologize or make excuses. You aren’t required to justify not being interested. A simple “no” should suffice.
  • Directly state to stop asking. In no uncertain terms, tell them their repeated come-ons need to cease immediately.
  • Walk away if needed. Make it clear the conversation is over by disengaging and putting physical distance between you if possible.
  • Involve others if harassment continues. If they won’t relent after clearly telling them to stop, get the help of friends, authorities, or other allies to put an end to the harassment.

Here is an example of firmly shutting down a pushy ask:

Them: “So can I get that number now? No reason to play hard to get.”

You: “As I said before, I am not interested and will not be giving you my number. I asked you to stop pursuing me, and I meant it. Do not ask me again.”

Them: “You’re just nervous! One little date won’t kill you.”

You: “This conversation is over. Do not follow me or ask me out again.”

At that point, calmly walk away and alert friends or authorities if the person continues bothering you. Don’t compromise politeness for safety.


And that wraps up helpful dos and don’ts for gracefully handling someone asking for your number! The most important things to remember are:

  • Gauge your interest and comfort level before accepting or providing a number. Never feel obligated.
  • Decline politely and firmly if not interested. Do not use excuses or vagueness.
  • Do not pursue repeatedly if rejected. Accept the response with maturity.
  • Prioritize clear communication and safety over all else.

With some confidence and care, you can tactfully respond whether you want to exchange digits or would rather pass. Just focus on clarity while respecting all parties involved. Here’s to keeping conversations fun for everyone!

Michele Stills
Michele Stills
I'm an evidence-based coach helping clients with their communication, leadership skills, anxiety, public speaking and interpersonal relationship skills.

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